Office of Naval Intelligence Leak: China Building Naval Ships 232 Times faster than USA - "Lift to Invade North America"

Office of Naval Intelligence Leak: China Building Naval Ships 232 Times faster than USA - "Lift to Invade North America"

The United States office of Naval Intelligence suffered a leak of an intel briefing slide, showing China now has naval ship building capacity 232 times greater than the USA.  This capacity can be used to build enough ships to "lift" an army to invade North America - successfully.

This amazingly oversized capacity to build naval vessels has caused some analysts to raise the alarm that the United States cannot even hope to catch-up . . . for years.

Other analysts have a more dire view: China is building this enormous amount of "lift" to be able to field a 200 million man army to invade and conquer North America, which it needs for food production and for its gigantic and growing population.

The seeds for this dire analysis began under the Trudeau government in Canada, when it signed a Treaty with the China Communist Party (CCP) in Beijing to allow Chinese Troops into Canada - to "protect Chinese investments." The Treaty made it explicitly clear that local governments in Canada would not be notified and could not do anything about the presence of such troops.

By using Canada as a beachhead, giving China a foothold on north American, China can now pre-position armor and troops along the US northern border until they reach such mass that an invasion of the US would be almost a fait accompli!


US Military in Recruiting Shambles

In the meantime, the armed forces of the United States are in a Recruiting shambles.  EVERY branch of US Armed Forces have been missing their recruiting goals for the all-volunteer force, and have been missing those goals for years.

The troubles plaguing recruiting do not come from lack of available people but rather a whole host of issues with those people.  For instance, a very large portion of American young people are "morbidly obese" to such a degree, that the physical strength and stamina simply cannot be restored to make them fit for military service.

Other potential recruits suffer from a  host of disqualifying psychiatric issues: Men who think they're actually women trapped in the wrong body . . . . women who think they're men . . . . candidates with a history of suicidal ideation and/or actual suicide attempts and more.

Also plaguing the pool of potential recruits is the mental inability to think critically; to make judgements, and act on immediate information.

As if all of this wasn't bad enough, a sizeable portion of the potential recruits are so physically weak and effeminate, they simply cannot be brought to military strength.

Drug use is also a major factor in disqualifying potential recruits.  Psychiatric drugs for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), addiction to Adderall, on top of others who are using illicit drugs like Cocaine, Heroin, or a

plethora of other, exotic "designer drugs," has disqualified very many potential recruits because withdrawal from such drugs can lead to long-term violent outbursts and unstable mental states.



Adding fuel to the fire is the Defense Industry itself.  At present, the US Defense Industry is UNABLE to re-supply the most basic war-fighting products like Ammunition and artillery shells in sufficient quantities to re-stock what the US has already given away to Ukraine, never mind to fight an active war with a near-peer rival.

Instead of hiring new employees to increase defense production, many defense contractors are having to LAY OFF workers because they simply cannot get the parts necessary to assemble replacement weaponry like Javelin Missiles!  American manufacturer's "out-sourced" many jobs to overseas locations, and, in the case of China, that is now coming back to bit the US in its ass.

For instance, China recently imposed economic Sanctions on Lockheed Martin and other American Defense Contractors, for supplying weapons to Taiwan. This means that Chinese manufacturers can no longer sell certain electronics to those companies; electronics  necessary to build and re-supply US military weapon systems!

Not only is this affecting the US ability to continue providing weaponry to Ukraine, it is also affecting our ability to make weapons to defend . . . OURSELVES.  With the vast array and quantities of weaponry being "given" to Ukraine, it appears to some Defense Analysts that the US is being INTENTIONALLY DISARMED by its own federal government.



Reverting back to the subject of ships for a moment, it became known this week that Danish shipping giant, MAERSK, is "backing away" from providing shipping services to the Department of Defense. 

With most of US Ship-building gone from environmental regulations and Union Labor contract demands, the few shipbuilders the US still has, simply cannot meet the demand for new vessels or to timely repair existing vessels.

The US has to rely on foreign shipbuilders for Hulls and for shipping services.

MAERSK has not said why they are "backing away" from providing services to the Department of Defense, but they are, in fact, doing so.

Are these companies being pressured by China or other foreign governments to cripple the US?   Are these companies being threatened with losing the ability to provide shipping services to foreign countries if they continue helping the US?  The answer to those questions is not known, but it __may__ be a possibility.

Which brings up the issue of future US ship building and moving men and materiel.

With China having 232 times the US ship building capacity, and with commercial ventures in the US unable to re-supply or even timely service existing ships, and now commercial entitities "backing away" from providing services to the US, it is starting to look as though we are being set up to be invaded and conquered.



All of the above brings us to the US Southern Border.   There has been an over Nine-hundred percent (900%+) increase in young, fit, military-age, Chinese men crossing illegally into the US via the southern border.  This is confirmed by FOX NEWS:

Why the sudden surge of Chinese men?   Some analysts think they are a fifth column; wolves in sheep's clothing, entering our country at the behest of the China Communist Party to lay in wait for an order to attack the US from within.

And the US federal Government is making it EASIER for people to enter the country illegally!   The Biden regime has ordered gates in former President Trump's border wall . . . . to be welded open!  YEs, you read that correctly, the gates are being welded open so even US citizens, concerned about illegals entering the country, can't simply close and lock the gates.



The United States established the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) after the Arab Oil Embargo of the 1970's.   The SPR can hold a little over seven-hundred-million barrels of oil in giant caverns in Louisiana and Texas.   Yet the Biden regime has ordered the SPR to sell-off much of that reserve to artificially reduce gasoline prices in the USA.

As of today, more than two-thirds of that 700 million barrel SPR, have been sold off and are gone.  There are presently no plans (and no money) to refill it.

If the US is invaded, and we cannot import foreign oil because we're a war zone where ships cannot safely come and go, we won't have more than a month or two of fuel with which to fight and defend our own land.



This appears to be deliberate treachery on the part of the federal government, some of whom may simply have been bribed by China, or other countries, to sell-out our nation and prime us for invasion.

This week, Congress beings Impeachment Hearings into President Joe Biden, who allegedly received potentially millions in bribes from China and elsewhere.  Congress has already revealed that Bank Wire Transfers to Hunter Biden, showing Joe Biden's home address in Wilmington, Delaware as the recipient's address, have been confirmed as having taken place.   At least $250,000 of such wire transfers are said to have come from Beijing.

Also this week, Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was Indicted and Arraigned in federal court, after being caught with some $458,000 cash stuffed into envelopes hidden in clothing in a closet, and in a safe, in his Englewood Cliffs home, along with 81.5 ounces of gold bullion in bars, allegedly for making military deals with and for, Egypt.

Menendez is charged with Bribery.

If Menendez took Bribes from Egypt to sell out US weapons, one has to wonder if he also took money from China to sell us out?   Or if he also took money from other countries?

One also has to wonder if any OTHER Senators or Congressmen took such Bribes?

It appears the United States of America is suffering a level of treachery from within, that may actually cause our nation to cease to exist.


September-into-October, 2023

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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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