SHOCK: Technology Already Developed to put "Vaccines" in Lettuce, Tomatos, and . . . Tobacco Products!

SHOCK: Technology Already Developed to put "Vaccines" in Lettuce, Tomatos, and . . .  Tobacco Products!

The Tennessee state legislature held hearings about putting "Vaccines" in consumer products like food and tobacco. The hearing revealed startling information . . .

Rep. Scott Cepicky revealed that the University of California at Riverside has "already perfected the ability to put Human Vaccines into our lettuce right now."  He went on to add  "Also Tomatoes, has the ability to do that also, from UC Berkely, and also RJ Reynolds has developed the ability to put Human "Vaccines" into Tobacco products."

Rep. John Ray Clemmons then inquired "Is that even legal to do in the state of Tennessee, to sell those with a Vaccine in them?"

Rep. Cepicky responded "I'm not arguing that, all I'm saying is that if a person walks into a grocery store you as a Consumer should know  __this__ head of lettuce __is__ a head of lettuce, but __this other__ head of lettuce right next to it, could contain a Vaccine in it.  All we're saying is, if it does have the vaccine in it, make sure it's listed as a Pharmaceutical so people can get the proper dosage."

There's more . . .  watch the brief video below.

Hal Turner Snap Editorial

The idea that companies would DARE to presume to include "vaccines" in Human food seems outrageous to me.   Who do these people think they are?  They have no right to put some medical treatment into food for Humans and thereby into people's bodies without informed consent.

Take the COVID Vax for instance.   We were all told it was "safe and effective."  Those claims turned out to be false.  The vaccines harmed or even KILLED many people, and are STILL harming and killing people.

Yet some nitwit thinks it's a good idea to put things like this into consumer food so that unwitting people get something they otherwise might not want?  Shocking!   Outrageous!

Some of these "Scientists" seem so preoccupied with whether or not they could, that they didn't stop to think if they should.









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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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