So . . . I had to take a run up to the hospital this morning; Chest Pains - again

Since before Christmas, I have been getting intermittent, and very brief twinges of pain in my heart.  Nothing nasty, but . . . there.   When this has happened, I have waited for it to subside, and it did, and I did nothing about it.

For about the past three days, those sudden, brief, twinges of pain, have come back and been more frequent.

The last time I had this similar type of RECURRING small twinges, was just weeks before my first heart attack.  

Then, when that happened, I ended up needing open heart surgery, quadruple bypass, which I underwent, and came through fine.

17 months later, I had a massive second heart attack; two of the four by-passes had clogged with blood clots.

That second heart attack was very much worse than the first.  I mean, REALLY much worse.  Frankly, it took a lot longer to get back to "normal" after that one, and to be candid, I never fully recovered from it.  

Weakness, easily winded, tired.  

So when these short bouts of pain twinges started again before Christmas, I really didn't want to deal with it anymore.  

This morning, the twinge turned into a dull ache.  To me, that signaled that maybe I have another artery clogging up, so I called the Cardiologist's office and they told me, today is a hospital day for him, go up there RIGHT NOW and see him.   I did.

Got an EKG -- it's fine.

Listened to my lung sounds and heart sounds, they're fine.

The Doc said to me "When a person who has had a heart attack comes in and tells us, as you just did, that the pains are similar to what happened before the first heart attack, we take that VERY seriously."  He went on to say that "an EKG won't necessarily tell us if there's a circulatory problem brewing, and given your history of clogged arteries, I think we should do another angiogram." That's a Cardiac catheterization where they go in with a camera and take a look inside the cardiac arteries.   I agreed.

It is possible that one of the other existing little plaque build-ups, may have grown.  Maybe it is sporadically clogging, which would cause twinges of pain.   The only way to know, is to go in with a camera and look.

So . . . on the 23rd, I am scheduled to have that done - again.

Prior to today, I have not seen that Doctor since November of 2021.  So it's not like I run to the Doctor every time I get a twinge.  I don't want to become a drama queen.

But what's going on is happening a little too often for my tastes, and I cannot simply deny the reality; I have to have this looked at.

In the meantime, he told me "if the pain gets suddenly worse, or does not subside within two or three minutes, don't wait, come to the ER."

Home I went.

As I type this, everything is OK.  No pain.  No dizziness.  No feeling of nausea or passing out.   

So I'll bide my time, and go get the test.  I figure, worst case, I may have another clog that needs a stent.  But what do I know.

. . . and so it goes.


For what it's worth, I take:

Co-Enzyme Q-10 every day

Vitamin D-3 (5,000 units) p/day

Vitamin K-2 (50 mg) p/day

Zinc Picolinate (50mcg) p/day


A CENTRUM multi-vitamin

Straus's Heart Drops - under the tongue


Been doing most of this since the second heart attack in October, 2020, so my vitamin levels are consistent, and I'm taking what I should.   

I added the zinc, quercetin and NAC during the COVID nonsense and aside from an occasional bout of wheezing, and maybe a couple days of low grade fever (99-100) I have not been "sick" throughout the two+ years of COVID.  I did lose my voice to laryngitis, but I wasn't "sick" -- my voice was just fouled up.  Body was fine.

I did **** NOT *** take any of the COVID vaccines.  None of them.  At all.  Full stop.  (And I won't be taking any of them, either!) That crap screws with your genetics and DNA, and I absolutely won't take any of that mRNA stuff. 

At no time during any of these twinges of pain, or development of a low-grade, dull, ache, in my heart, did I have any trouble breathing, start sweating, or lose consciousness - or even feel faint.  NONE of those things happened.

So if this is even anything, and it probably is, my guess is that maybe another clog or two is developing and maybe I need another stent or two.

Right now, this isn't a big deal.  But if I fail to have it looked at, it can BECOME a big deal.  You know . . . dead.

I fully support homeopathic/natural medicines.  But they don't have cameras to look inside my heart arteries, where "traditional" medicine does.  So I'm going with that.

If it turns out I have more clogs, or existing ones they already said were developing two years ago have worsened, maybe some homeopathic remedies or EDTA supplements, will be warranted.  I'm open to that.  But I need  the cameras put in to actually look inside the arteries and actually measure the blood flow, and that's what I've chosen to do.



This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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The Hal Turner Show airs as follows:

Monday-Friday 9:00PM - 10:00PM Eastern US time (GMT-0400) on:

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