"Soros Prosecutors?" No. USAID Prosecutors!

"Soros Prosecutors?"   No.    USAID Prosecutors!

Information is coming out today about the Government program "USAID" - the United States Agency for International Development.  It appears the Trump Administration has hit the jackpot on money laundering, dirty deeds, unjust prosecutions and more.   Trump shut down the USAID Headquarters this morning; all staff told to STAY HOME today.

For years, many of us have heard about "Soros Prosecutors" allegedly helped into office by the "vast Soros Empire" and misused to prosecute certain groups of Americans; namely straight, white Christians.   Wellllllllllllllll, this morning, it came out that Soros, is a minor player in the entire, sordid affair.  

It turns out that USAID - a cutout for the Central Intelligence Agency - is where all the big bucks have been coming from for so much of the nonsense we've been seeing taking place here in the United States.

With the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) now perusing all the expenditures of the US government, they seem to have stumbled across the "un-Holy Grail" of money-laundering and corruption: USAID.

"In the push to prosecute Trump by District Attorney Alvin Bragg in New York City, Soros was a minor co-funder. He gave them $10,000, that's it! The $14 million he gave to the parent company, the fiscal sponsor of FJP (Fair and Just Prosecution, a nonprofit that supports and influences progressive prosecutors in the U.S.), well, that ain't shit compared to the $27 million that USAID gave them. Every time you hear the word Soros prosecutor, no, they’re USAID prosecutors.”

This rabbit hole is deep, and winding.  The details are just BEGINNING to emerge.  

Long story short: Every time you hear the phrase "Soros Prosecutors" you need to change "SOROS" to "USAID."   ANd as this Rabbit hole is probed . . . . it is extremely likely it will turn out to be "CIA Prosecutors."

The initial impression by people looking at all the factual data, all the money payouts, is that all the legal trouble for President Donald Trump after he left office, SEEMS to have been paid for and caused by: The CIA.

It is starting to appear that the US Central Intelligence Agency, is the axis upon which all the spokes of state and federal legal cases spun.  All funded by taxpayer money laundered from the CIA, using US Taxpayer money against the very US citizens who paid it.

This is going to be huge.  As the information dribbles out, more and more spectacular evidence is going to become available.

Elon Musk commented about this publicly today.   He said:

"As we dug into USAID it became apparent that what we have here is not an apple with a worm in it, but we have actually just a ball of worms. If you have an apple with a worm in it, you can take the worm out. If you have a whole ball of worms, it's hopeless.”

It appears the Trump folks already see they will likely have to permanently shut down  USAID.  But they also see it is THE hotbed for a huge amount of money being shoveled to all sorts of left-wing causes all over the world, and right here inside the USA.

It seems to many people "The Swamp" is starting to be drained.


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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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