~20,000 Federal Employees ACCEPT Trump "Buy-Out Offer" to Resign Now

~20,000 Federal Employees ACCEPT Trump "Buy-Out Offer" to Resign Now

About twenty thousand federal workers have accepted President Trump’s offer to leave their jobs now, while being paid - and keep full benefits - through September.

The plan, part of a broader effort to cut 5-10% of federal jobs, aligns with Trump’s push to reduce government spending.

By getting these people out now, it narrows the focus on who has to be cut later.

While 20,000 federal workers have taken the buyout offer, that represents just 1% of the overall workforce. More are expected to take the deal, but every year the attrition rate of the federal workforce is 6%. Thus, the hiring freeze will be more effective than a Buyout.




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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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North Bergen, NJ   07047





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