Subscribers Only - Stocks. Banks. Tomorrow.

This content is for Subscribers only --

Over the weekend I came up to the Pennsylvania house because I needed a break from . . . . well . . . . family stuff.

So I arrive Saturday afternoon, walk in the house, all seems well.  I go into the Bathroom to pee and after I'm done,. I turn around and notice the big mirror over the sink, has come out of the wall and is hanging, slanted, resting its left corner on the sink.  Then I notice pockets of water accumulated in the paint on the sheetrock wall behind the mirror!   UH OH! Water leak!

So I listen, don't hear any water, so I go upstairs because there's another bathroom up there and the leak could be there.

Sure enough, I walk in and there's water on the floor around the base of the toilet.  NOT flowing.  No sound of any water leak.  Weird.

So I go under the sink and WHAM, I found it.  The hot water hose that goes from the wall to the faucet valve atop the sink is dripping like mad up at the faucet connection.   Turns out, half that water was going UP onto the sink countertop, the other half going down into the vanity.   

The water going up was oozing to the right of the vanity, going over the edge very slowly, and going down the side, which SOAKED IT INTO THE WOOD.   The vanity is literally swollen to the point of coming apart.  As that wood got saturated, the additional water was coming down, hitting the floor and going around the toilet base.

Ultimately, a lot of it was going behind the toilet, where the floor meets the wall, then going down into the bathroom downstairs.   Oh what mess.

I go to shut off the valve which comes out of the wall to supply the sink, and the valve is . . . . ruined from age.  It won't shut off.  Instead of turning and moving inward to close, the whole valve stem just moves in then back out, as if there are no threads on it.   So I can't use that to shut the water.

I go downstairs, hit the circuit breaker which sends power to the water well pump, and thus cut the water off to the house.  After the well pump pressure bellows emptied, the leak stopped.

I call my wife and son.  Unbeknownst to me, my son jumped in the car and started heading up here.

He arrived about three hours later, and was a welcome sight to see!

We clean up what we can and realize we will have to go buy a new sink/vanity at Home Depot or Lowes, and we agreed to do that the next day, Sunday.

Sunday morning comes, we head out to get a new vanity and sink, we get one, load it in the truck and head home.  Fuckers are heavy.

We start to move the existing vanity away from the wall, and it starts falling apart from water saturation.

As it comes apart, it reveals the CAT LITTER from a litter box my mom apparently had up there before she died.   Not only was there a lot of litter, there was also a lot of dried - now soaked, cat shit.

Had no way of knowing it was there for the past two years.  No one really uses that bathroom.  The area which was visible was clean and there was no way to get under that vanity with a vacuum or mop, so it just remained there, undiscovered by us.  Thankfully, there was no smell.

So now we've got a soaked vanity falling apart, falling into used cat litter which is all now also soaking wet, and a bunch of cat shit, which is also soaking wet.  What a friggin nightmare!

Now, in order to get the vanity out, we would USUALLY have to carry it downstairs, over the carpet.  Well, there was no way I was carrying this soaking wet, full of cat litter and cat shit wood, over my carpeting.  So we decided to break apart the remaining vanity parts, and throw them out the bathroom window to the outside of the house.

We use a shop vac to clean up the litter and cat shit, then mop the floor with water and three cups of bleach.   YUCK!

While we're waiting for that to dry, I get a video.   About Banks . . . .  which appears below.

Now, Internet videos can be made by anybody, about anything, and people say the darndest crap, so I have to take all such videos with a grain of salt; especially one like this that talks about Banks collapsing.

But after watching it twice, something had the "ring-of-truth" to it.   The guy was involved in a real estate transaction and at the closing, he found out that the bank which issued the mortgage to the Buyer, COULD NOT SETTLE.

Which bank?   WELLS FARGO!

Now, again, I take Internet videos with a grain of salt, but THIS GUY says Wells Fargo is "technically in Bankruptcy" from a $2.1 Billion fine levied by government for various FRAUD.

Well, that's easy to verify, and yes, a quick Internet search turns up Wells Fargo has quite a history of being fined for doing bad things.

So I say to myself, "UH OH, if this bank can't settle on a mortgage transaction then there is very real trouble with it."  (My personal conclusion)

He goes on to talk about other banks, one of which is MY BANK -- Capital One.

I'm 61 years old and I've dealt with a lot of banks in my years, and I have to tell you that in my view, Capital One is the BEST BANK I EVER DEALT WITH.  Never a problem.  Not even once.

So when I hear they're in trouble, I find it hard to believe and I very much don't like hearing this trash talk.

Anyway, watch the brief video below about Wells Fargo and then I'll continue.

Now, this guy does not look like some bum, or some idiot.  Clearly, he's well dressed - that's got to be a $2,000 suit he's wearing, and clearly the car he's in has very plush leather seating, so it's not garbage either.  He's well spoken and like I mentioned, what he says has the "ring of truth" to me.

Anyway, I chose NOT to report this yesterday because there was no corroboration from anyone else, and I was very busy up here in PA.

So me and a neighbor carry the new vanity and sink upstairs, and my son undertakes putting it in.

He had to change the valves on the pipes coming out of the wall, and needed a rather large (about 1") wrench to unscrew the old valve.  Channel locks just weren't biting well enough, and he didn't want to round-off the valve, which would then mean having to cut it off.

So I go downstairs to the workshop, and I get a 15/16", a 1" and one and 1/4" open end wrenches.   The 15/16 is too small, but the 1" is SLIGHTLY too big.


Weakness in my "preps" just became apparent; I DO NOT HAVE MANY METRIC TOOLS.   Some sockets. Some small wrenches, but not big anything.  

Gotta remedy that weakness ASAP.

He gets the vanity in, the new valves on, reconnects everything and we turn the water on.   Drip.  Drip.  Drip.   Oh no, the water lines (or the new valves) are dripping a very slow drip.   OH SHIT!

We run the water into the sink . . . . BIG LEAK from the drain pipe.   FUCK!

So now it's too late on Sunday to go anywhere to get anything, so I've got to leave it until Monday - today.

Well, this afternoon, I get this FLASH TRAFFIC from the Intel Circuits:


WOW!  That is quite a thing to see coming across an Intel Circuit.  Sounds almost panic-stricken.

Now, again, the Intel Circuits are RAW.   No vetting.  No corroboration . . . many times . . . but to see something like THAT on an Intel Circuit, is troubling to me.

THEN, I get this from Open sources:

"NVDA releases it's earnings after hours on Wednesday.  That is what the market is waiting for at the moment and will make or break the market for the rest of this quarter depending on the results."

 Which was quickly COUNTERED with this:

Walmart is releasing its 4th qtr earnings before the market opens tomorrow. THAT is what the markets are waiting for. Walmart=consumer spending. Walmart is going to report a huge 4th qtr.

Which was then quickly countered with this:

Walmart is only 17th by weight of the Dow index. NVDA is number 3 in the SP500 and Nasdaq100.

NVDA outweighs Walmart by FAR in importance to the market. Walmart is not even close

Sooooooo . . . I'm reporting this to all of you, with the exact context in which I got it, so you can make your own research and your own decisions. 

I am NOT a financial or bank expert.  I possess NO special knowledge about matters financial.  You should consult with a Licensed Financial Expert before making any financial decisions.

I just thought you should know what I've been told.


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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The Hal Turner Show airs as follows:

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