To demonstrate just how mentally sick American and Western Society has become, take a look at the one minute video below. In it, a trans-gender (man-to-woman) wants a Uterus and Ovaries transplant into him, so he can be the first Trans to . . . have an Abortion.
As a matter of law, it seems to me as a layman (who is not qualified to render a legal opinion) that this person is planning a premeditated murder.
It wants a Uterus and Ovaries transplanted for the expressed purpose of getting pregnant so as to have an abortion.
This isn't "healthcare" it is literally the premeditated murder of a baby!
Any Doctor or Surgeon who assists this thing in getting a Uterus and Ovaries transplant is, it seems to me, an Accessory before the fact to to this Conspiracy. Those Doctors and Surgeons should have their medical licenses revoked and be put in prison.
Here - spend one minute to listen to how sick our society has actually become: