At least 56 U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) officials were placed on administrative leave with full pay and benefits, for "resisting" White House orders to temporarily halt Foreign Aid.
Several hundred contractors based in Washington and elsewhere were also laid off.
The action came after Secretary of State Marco Rubio, acting on Trump’s executive order, paused all U.S. foreign assistance funded by or through the State Department and USAID.
The 90-day pause has halted thousands of U.S.-funded humanitarian, development and security programs worldwide and forced aid organizations to lay off hundreds of employees because they can’t make payroll.
An internal USAID notice sent late Monday said new acting administrator Jason Gray had identified “several actions within USAID that appear to be designed to circumvent the President’s Executive Orders and the mandate from the American people.”
Hal Turner Snap Analysis
We REALLY DO have a government that is, factually, out-of-control.
Who do these Bureaucrats think they are to defy a Presidential Order?
The Bureaucrats don't make policy; the President makes policy. He does that by virtue of having campaigned for office on certain issues, and having been duly elected by the American people to carry-out what he campaigned on!
The Bureaucrats didn't campaign. Nobody voted for the Bureaucrats. The Bureaucrats DON'T get to decide.
Whoever among them took actual steps to "circumvent" the President's Order, should be FIRED. Out the door with them all.
This notion that federal government Bureaucrats can do whatever they want, must be BROKEN by the President. It must be broken by him, throughout the entire federal government.
Government employees at E V E R Y agency need to understand that the President DECIDES and the Agencies ABIDE. Period. Full stop.
The President needs to make clear that those employees who cannot or will not comply, can't work for us anymore.