Went to Motor Vehicles Today to Have LIENHOLDER Removed from Car Titles - Wait til you hear THIS . . . .

Went to Motor Vehicles Today to Have LIENHOLDER Removed from Car Titles - Wait til you hear THIS . . . .

Today I went to New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) on Summit Avenue in Jersey City, NJ to have the LIENHOLDER info removed from two vehicle Titles since I've paid the car loans off.  You're not gonna BELIEVE what happened . . . 

Firstly, after the COVID scam, New Jersey Motor Vehicle has NOT done away with the requirement to make an appointment to go to one of their offices to have paperwork done.  So I had to schedule today's appointment last weekend, and I did.

I get there, walk in, and there's two security guards who ask "Do you have an appointment?  I reply "yes" and they ask to see the appointment confirmation from online!   I brought it with me just in case, and gave it to them.  They tell me, go in and see the Receptionist on the left.  I go in.

I get to the Receptionist who asks me, "What are you here to do today?" I reply "Have the LIENHOLDERS removed from the Title on two vehicles I've paid off."   He hands me two application forms to go fill out.

I go fill them out, return the Receptionist's pen that he graciously lent to me and he then says, now go onto the "ID CHECK" line to the left.   ID Check???????   I go ahead and do that.  Two people ahead of me.

When it's my turn, I go up too the guy in the little booth-- I think he was Hindu or whatever the folks are, who have the Dot on their forehead -- and hand him the filled-out applications to have the Titles re-issued and he says "You know, this is going to cost you $60 each to have the LIENHOLDER Removed."  I replied "Yes, I know."   He then says, "I can get this done for free."

Uhhhhhhh, I was not expecting this . . . .  my Spidey Sense started tingling.   So I ask him "How?"

GET THIS:  He replies "I can have my Boss delete the LIENHOLDER in our computer system, then you walk out with the same Title, instead of a new one."

I think to myself: "Then I won't have any way to PROVE the LIEN has been released"   So I respond to him "No thanks, I want the re-issued Titles without the LIENHOLDER on them."   He says, "Well, I'm just trying to save you money."  

He takes a staple remover and separates the Titles from the Lender Loan-Satisfaction, notarized letters, hands everything back to me with a card containing a number on it:  "K117" and tells me, take a seat over there and you'll hear your number called, telling you which counter to go to.

I go sit down.

About five minutes later, the computer voice over the PA Speaker calls "K117, Counter Ten"

So I get up and walk over to counter 10 and the nice Spanish lady behind the counter takes my paperwork.

To my utter shock, SHE then says to me, "It will cost you $60 each to have these LIENHOLDERS Cleared from the Title, . . . . but I can get it done for you for free." 

I'm now kind of stunned because this is now two separate Employees of the Motor Vehicle Commission saying the same thing.   So I play along and ask her "How?"

She says, I will have the Supervisor come over, delete the LIENHOLDER from our Computer, but you leave here with the exact same Title."

I thought to myself "Holy shit, they're all "in-on-it" for the "Great Taking.""   I went on to think to myself "These people are working for the Bankers, so the Bankers can grab everybody's stuff; just as I learned from the video "The Great Taking"

So I told the woman, "But then I would have no proof that the Bank no longer has a LIEN."  She responded, right, but you'll save $120 on the Two Titles!

So I responded "No, I want the LIENHOLDER removed and I want the new, re-issued Titles without the Bank name on them"

She reiterated "But that will cost you $60 each, a total of $120" and I responded "I don't care.  I want the re-issued Titles."

She put on a smug face as if to say "Oh this guy must have money, he doesn't care about the $120."

She processes the deletion of the LIENHOLDER info and then asks "Will you be paying by Credit Card, Check, or Legal Tender?"

"LEGAL TENDER????????????"  Nobody says that outside of you know . . . . us . . . . .

I reply, "Legal Tender; Federal Reserve Notes."

I hand the cash to her and she finishes the transaction, which prints the receipt.

But it's all the same computer . . . . so If I agreed to "let them do it for free" they could NOT have removed the LIENHOLDER because the system requires the money be paid before it will complete the action ! ! ! ! !    If I had not paid, the computer could not have deleted the LIENHOLDER info! !   ! 

You know what I think?    I personally think the whole offer to "get it done free" was a SCAM . . . . designed to deliberately mislead people into THINKING the LIEN had been removed, when, in fact, it has NOT been removed.   And it COULD NOT HAVE BEEN REMOVED unless and until payment was tendered because the computer won't process the removal unless payment has been made.

That leaves those poor suckers who THOUGHT they were getting it done "free" --  open to the Banks coming and taking everything from THEM because all the official paperwork still shows the LIENS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 

How many thousands of people have believed this scam over the years?

I'm telling you, folks, I am totally shocked by this happening at two separate employees in a State Motor Vehicle Commission facility.

I now think the "States" are "in-on-it" too and all of them are working in lockstep with the Bankers to achieve their goal: You will own nothing . . . . and be happy."

Not me!   I have the Re-issued Titles without the LIENHOLDER info on them.  These vehicles are, in fact, MINE, and I can prove it with the Titles.

I was born at night . . . . but not last night.  They aren't getting-over on me!



This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

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