4:00 AM EDT -- Netanyahu Plane Off Italy Coast - Just Hours Away from Israel - and likely War with Hezbollah

4:00 AM EDT -- Netanyahu Plane Off Italy Coast - Just Hours Away from Israel - and likely War with Hezbollah

As of 4:00 AM eastern US Time, the plane carrying Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is off the west coast of Italy, approaching that country's southern tip before it heads out over the Mediterranean Sea and home to Israel.

When Netanyahu arrives, it is expected he will travel to The Kirya; the military headquarters of the Israeli Defense Force, to be fully briefed on a explosion at a soccer field which killed at least eleven in the occupied Golan Heights.

Once briefed, he is then expected to meet with the Israeli War Cabinet and authorize the commencement of hostilities against Lebanon where the group Hezbollah is operating.

Hezbollah publicly DENIES having launched any missile at the soccer field.

Video has emerged showing Israeli IRON DOME anti-missile defenses, operating at the time in the same area.

Some have theorized that an IRON DOME missile malfunctioned and landed on the soccer field, but such speculation is not spoken about.

It seems to many the prevailing belief is that Hezbollah did this, and that Israel will base its coming military operation in Lebanon on that belief.

Prior to leaving the United States, where he gave an address to Congress, Netanyahu allegedly received "approval" from the US, to engage Hezbollah fully.

Other countries have already chimed-in about such a military adventure by Israel.   

Iran, for instance, will support Hezbollah.  Russia, will likely support Iran.

Hundreds of paramilitary fighters in nearby countries like Iraq, are already on the move toward Lebanon, in anticipation of overt hostilities.

While Netayahu is expected to arrive with a few short hours, it is completely likely that he has utilized encrypted communications from his aircraft, or even from the U.S. while he was still here, to make any decisions that needed to be made.

Israel has already been launching air strikes in Lebanon, but not anything that would rise to the level of actual war.

Whatever is to be, it seems today is the day it will begin.


July-into-August Fund Raising  ($3,800 Short)

As all of you are probably aware, during the final week of every calendar month, I reach out to you, my readers and listeners to my radio show, to ask for your support to keep this endeavor going another month.  It's been this way since the year 2000 when the show began.  With 4 Days remaining to raise the money, I am $3,800 short as of 4:32 PM EDT on Saturday

Your support helps pay for Radio Air Time, Web site Hosting and Data transfer, six inbound phone lines, music licensing fees, internet streaming costs, fiber optics in New Jersey and at the bugout location in Pennsylvania to carry the radio show onto the Internet.  It also pays for cellular failover in NJ and PA in case the Fiber optics go down, and in PA, it also pays for a cable modem and two satellite uplinks, because out in that very rural area, it is common for trees to come down during storms, and take out not only power lines, but also communications.

All these capabilities make certain the show airs, five nights a week, no matter what is happening in the world.

Without your support, this endeavor simply dries up and goes away.

So if you enjoy the cutting-edge news, the Covert Intel, the real freedom of speech on this site and on the radio show, PLEASE use the widget below to make a donation so things can continue next month.



This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

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Monday-Friday 9:00PM - 10:00PM Eastern US time (GMT-0400) on:

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