Netanyahu's Plane from USA Lands . . . . . . in BEIRUT?????

Netanyahu's Plane from USA Lands . . . . . . in BEIRUT?????

The plane carrying Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from the United States, has landed . . . . in BEIRUT, LEBANON.

This is an extraordinary and highly unusual move by the Israeli Prime Minister, given the talk of war erupting as early as TODAY between Israel and Hezbollah.

It is not known what Netanyahu is planning for his visit to Beirut - perhaps a last ditch effort to get the government of Lebanon to force the removal of Hezbollah to north of the Litani River?

Whatever is happening, it is unprecedented that a Prime Minister from Israel would land in Beirut.  The flight tracking system Ads-B" confirms the landing location as shown below:

In the left column of the image above, there is highlighted GPS coordinates showing the aircraft as being at:   33.818°, 35.491°     Those coordinates are in Beirut as shown below:

More as I get it.



Lebanon Foreign Ministry is making urgent inquiries to the International Court of Justice to see if there actually __is__ an Arrest Warrant issued by the ICJ for Netanyahu! ! ! ! !   They say they know a Warrant has been APPLIED FOR, but do not know if a Warrant has actually been issued! ! ! ! 



Just received information that, due to extensive GPS JAMMING taking place in the Middle East, it is highly UNLIKELY that Netanyahu's Plane is in Beirut.  

I was under the impression that GPS "Jamming" made GPS signals unreadable.   I have now been told that GPS "Jamming" can also including "spoofing" to intentionally mis-direct with fraudulent GPS signals.   I didn't know that.

So there is now a valid question as to whether or not Netabyahu's plane went to Beirut, and I am told it likely DID NOT. 

More as I get it.


July-into-August Fund Raising  ($3,800 Short)

As all of you are probably aware, during the final week of every calendar month, I reach out to you, my readers and listeners to my radio show, to ask for your support to keep this endeavor going another month.  It's been this way since the year 2000 when the show began.  With 4 Days remaining to raise the money, I am $3,800 short as of 4:32 PM EDT on Saturday

Your support helps pay for Radio Air Time, Web site Hosting and Data transfer, six inbound phone lines, music licensing fees, internet streaming costs, fiber optics in New Jersey and at the bugout location in Pennsylvania to carry the radio show onto the Internet.  It also pays for cellular failover in NJ and PA in case the Fiber optics go down, and in PA, it also pays for a cable modem and two satellite uplinks, because out in that very rural area, it is common for trees to come down during storms, and take out not only power lines, but also communications.

All these capabilities make certain the show airs, five nights a week, no matter what is happening in the world.

Without your support, this endeavor simply dries up and goes away.

So if you enjoy the cutting-edge news, the Covert Intel, the real freedom of speech on this site and on the radio show, PLEASE use the widget below to make a donation so things can continue next month.



This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


Radio Station Info

The Hal Turner Show airs as follows:

Monday-Friday 9:00PM - 10:00PM Eastern US time (GMT-0400) on:

WBCQ Freq. 7490 KHz and 6160 KHz

WRMI Freq. 5950 KHz and 7730 KHz

WWCR Freq. 7520 KHz



WBCQ on Freq. 7490 and WRMI  on Freq. 7730