After U.S. Air Strikes, Yemen Fires 18 Ballistic and Cruise Missiles at USS Harry Truman Aircraft Carrier Strike Group

After U.S. Air Strikes, Yemen Fires 18 Ballistic and Cruise Missiles at USS Harry Truman Aircraft Carrier Strike Group

Last night, the United States attacked the country of Yemen with multiple dozens of air strikes, one seen above, in retaliation for Yemen firing upon US and other vessels transiting the Red Sea.

Yemen is blockading sea-transit to and from Israel over the Israeli embargo of food, water, and electricity into the Gaza Strip.

Yemen says that Israel is committing Genocide and wants Israel to restore food and water shipments, and restore electricity.

The U.S. says that Yemen has no right to attack international shipping regardless of what it thinks about Israeli actions.

After the U.S. launched multiple dozens of air strikes against Yemen overnight last night, Yemen retaliated by firing what they claim were "eighteen ballistic and cruise missiles, and one drone" against the USS Harry Truman Aircraft Carrier and its strike group in the northern Red Sea.

No word if any of those missiles actually struck any US naval vessels.



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