Russian Forces Encircling Ukraine Troops Say 30 ACTIVE-DUTY NATO COMMANDERS Among those!

Russian Forces Encircling Ukraine Troops Say 30 ACTIVE-DUTY NATO COMMANDERS Among those!

Word leaking-out about the Kursk Region of Russia confirms thousands of Ukrainian troops are, in fact, surrounded by Russian Forces but today, there's a "twist."

According to information leaking out of the combat zone, in addition to Ukrainian troops who are trapped, there are allegedly thirty (30)  Active-Duty Commanding Officers from the official military in several NATO countries.   

These are reportedly not merely "Advisors" they are COMMANDING OFFICERS, giving orders to Ukraine troops.

It appears Russia's Blitz to repel Ukraine from Kursk, yielded some surprises about who it is that's actually causing all the trouble over there: NATO.



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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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