CDU Wins German Elections; Leader Vows Taurus Missiles to Ukraine

CDU Wins German Elections; Leader Vows Taurus Missiles to Ukraine

The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has won today's election in Germany and its Party leader, Friedrich Merz, has said in the past "the first thing I will do is send Taurus Missiles to Ukraine."  The Kerch Strait Bridge in Russia is the likely target.

According to the ARD exit poll, the CDU, led by Merz, won the election with 29%. AfD gained 19.5%, and Weidel expressed readiness for coalition talks with the CDU. Scholz acknowledged the SPD's defeat (16%), taking responsibility. The Greens received 13.5%.

Merz, shown above, has previously made clear that if his Party won the election, and if they choose him to be German Chancellor, one of the first things he will do is approve the shipment of German "Taurus" Missiles to Ukraine.

The "Taurus" is a big issue.   It is the ONLY western made missile that does not rely on GPS to arrive at, and strike, targets.  

The missile incorporates stealth technology and has an official range in excess of 500 km (300 mi). It is powered by a turbofan engine. It can operate at Mach 0.95 and can be carried by Panavia PA-200 Tornado IDS, Eurofighter Typhoon EF-2000, Saab JAS-39C Gripen, McDonnell Douglas EF-18A+ Hornet, and McDonnell Douglas F-15K Slam Eagle aircraft.

The dual stage 480-kilogram (1,100 lb) warhead, called MEPHISTO (multi-effect penetrator highly sophisticated and target optimized), features a pre-charge and initial penetrating charge to clear soil or enter "hard and deeply buried targets" (HDBT) such as hardened underground bunkers, then a variable delay fuse to control detonation of the main warhead.

The missile weighs about 1,400 kg (3,100 lb) and has a maximum body diameter of 1 meter (3.3 ft). Intended targets are hardened bunkers; command, control, and communications facilities; airfield and port facilities; ammunition storage facilities; ships in port or at sea; area target attack; and bridges.

The missiles also use Internal Navigation Systems with hyper-accurate maps (Reportedly accurate to the centimeter), and even photographic target identification systems, to assure precise hits.

It is no secret that Ukraine plans to utilize these missiles to attack and destroy Russia's Kerch Straight Bridge.   Worse, it is now well known that German engineers made certain these missiles were programmed to attack that Kerch Strait bridge specifically.

What is not yet known is what Russia's position on such an attack will be.  Word from inside the Kremlin indicates "If German missile debris is found having destroyed Russian Territory, Russia will hold Germany responsible."   (HT Remark: That . . . . that right there . . . . could mean widespread war of a nature none of us want.)  

Since the Ukrainians are losing dramatically, and have become maniacal, and desperate, at this point, they may not care if they start World War 3.

With today's victory by CDU in Germany's elections, and the likely coming Chancellorship of Merz, things could go "wild weasel" faster and sooner than anyone expects; even though President Trump wants this war stopped.


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