UPDATED 9:20 AM EDT (TUESDAY) -- COVERT INTEL - Fill your Gasoline cans . . .

UPDATED 9:20 AM EDT (TUESDAY) -- COVERT INTEL - Fill your Gasoline cans . . .

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Tonight, I received ONE - uncorroborated - piece of "Intel" claiming that THREE (3) United States Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups are "making their way to Iran."

I do not know if this includes the USS Harry Truman which is already in the Red Sea.

I received no other details.

If the U.S. engages against Iran, all hell is going to break loose all over the world.   Iran has said they will attack all US military bases throughout the Middle East, and as we all know, Iran DOES have sufficient and accurate missiles to do exactly that.

Worse, Iran has said that if they are severely attacked, they will "close the Strait of Hormuz" which is the entrance/exit for the Persian Gulf.

About twenty to twenty-five percent (20-25%) of DAILY Global oil traffic flows through the strait of Hormuz.  If it is closed, the price of oil is said poised to rise to maybe four-hundred dollars ($400) per barrel.   That would convert to gasoline at ten to twelve dollars ($10-$12) per GALLON.

So if you have gasoline cans, I strongly recommend you fill them while the prices are still affordable.  If this thing with Iran actually takes place, the price increases will come staggeringly fast.


Gasoline goes bad when it is stored.  It accumulates moisture, it's chemical make-up loses potency.

It is a good idea to add a Fuel Stabilizer BEFORE you fill the gas can.    

I use "STABIL" for my stored gasoline; it comes in a bottle that looks like this:

You add the correct amount as shown on the bottle BEFORE you fill the gas can so the STABIL mixes with the fuel and helps prevent accumulation of moisture, and breakdown of the chemicals.

No matter how well you try, sometimes, the gasoline goes bad anyway.   But there's a way to deal with that, too.


It comes in a bottle that looks like this:

PRI-G gets mixed into the gasoline when you're ready to add it to your car/truck/lawnmower, etc.   It re-creates the chemical reaction that made the gasoline in the first place!   The reaction is immediate, and the gasoline is as good as new!

STABIL is not expensive, but PRI-G is.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You cannot use either of these products in Diesel Fuel!   There is a version of PRI-G, called "PRI-D" for Diesel fuel, but in real life, diesel just doesn't go bad; not for years!

Congressman Massie is already on social media telling President Trump that an attack upon Iran requires approval from Congress FIRST because it is an act of war. 

But there's really no telling if the President will seek such approval.

If he DOES seek it, it would tend to give-away the element of surprise. 

My point is, be ready.   If this Iran thing happens, fuel will get bigtime expensive, very fast, and the reality is, that with food still so expensive, a lot of people won't have a lot of money left for fuel.  So have some in a 5 gallon Gas Can (or two, or three) in case.


I have CONFIRMED that the USS Carl Vinson, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, and the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier Strike Groups, have been redirected from present locations, to the Middle East.   

At this time, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower is in port at Norfolk for maintenance, the USS Carl Vinson is in the East China Sea, and the USS Abraham Lincoln is in port at North Island. Even if the Eisenhower were somehow able to put to sea TODAY, and that is very doubtful, it would still take about 7 days for them to arrive on-station. The Abraham Lincoln being at Naval Air Station (NAS) North Island in Coronado, California, would take about 5 days to arrive on-station.

This movement is said to be "part of broader strategic military positioning in the region" -- possibly in response to heightened tensions involving Iran and its allies, like the Houthis in Yemen.

No official statement has confirmed Iran as the specific target, but the deployment signals an increase in military readiness.


I think Trump is going to hit the Iranians.   

I UPDATED above and know where the Carriers mentioned above presently are, but I do not know when they may depart or exactly how long it might take for all of them to join the USS Harry Truman, which is already in the Red Sea.

When these three additional carriers arrive, that will total FOUR (4) US Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups near Iran.  At least two hundred eighty (280) Fighter Jets between them.  That is wartime, heavy-duty, fire power.

Fill-up those gas cans, and maybe top-off food and other preps.

It is widely believed by __many__ people that Iran has "sleeper cells" here inside the USA, for activation during war.

So we could see significant supply chain disruption if there are sleeper cells and they do attack us from within. 

Have the food, medicine, and other supplies you need to get by. 

You should probably also have some fresh ammunition for any firearms you may own, just in case.  Clean and oil those firearms if you have not done so in awhile.

This could get very ugly, very fast.


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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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