COVERT INTEL - From Inside White House Situation Room

COVERT INTEL - From Inside White House Situation Room

This content is for Subscribers Only --  URGENT -- 

This morning, the news media remarked about Kamala Harris being "Dismissed" from the Situation Room after having photos of herself taken for the Presidential Campaign.  But there was a LOT more going on in that room . . . .

Reporting to Biden, Blinken and the other assembled persons, Military Intelligence informed the group about the Israel-Iran situation and the RETALIATION by Iran, saying: “The war will begin tomorrow…. we’re ready for the counter strike on Tehran. Nothing will stop it now….

As you might guess, this indicates Iran will strike Israel "tomorrow."   Now, the Middle East is SEVEN HOURS AHEAD of the US East Coast Time Zone (NYC)  so it will officially become "tomorrow" over there at 5:00 PM eastern time TODAY.

No word was given about any start TIME.  

Now, let me play Devil's Advocate here for a moment to sort of "game out" how this could go.

ALL OF THE INFO BELOW IS CONJECTURE ON MY PART.   I have ZERO credible evidence to substantiate ANY of this.   I am offering this as a "What if" for all of you.

What if Iran commences its retaliation against Israel at 3:00 AM local time in Israel, which converts to 8:00 PM here on the US East Coast.   

That hour is certainly early enough where the "Sleeper Cells" from Iran, whom we've been told for years, are already here, to be given a "Go Order" when the fight begins.

What if those "Sleeper Cells" commence their sabotage or outright attacks after 8:00 PM tonight?

What if they commence in the wee hours of the morning, tomorrow?

The point I am making is this:  We could wake up for work tomorrow morning to a country that is under attack from within.

We could see the electric grid out.  Communications out.  Attacks underway HERE, inside the USA!

Imagine THAT when you wake up tomorrow morning for work!

Again, this is mere CONJECTURE on my part.  I have no credible information whatsoever that anything like this is planned or will happen.  I'm simply offering it as a "What if."

Put simply, it looks to me like we are ALL out of time to prepare with Emergency food, water, medicine, a generator to keep the refrigerator running, fuel for that generator, fueling up our cars/trucks, a first aid kit, communications gear (CB or HAM radio), a flashlight for each room in the house or for each person in the house, spare batteries for those flashlight, an AM FM radio for news with spare batteries for that radio, and so forth.

If you don't have emergency supplies by tonight, you very well may not be able to get any.  If attacks begin here, the public will panic. Store shelves will be picked clean in hours.


After I posted the story above, I went out to the bank and got some cash money.  If things go haywire, and the computer networks are affected, I will still be able to buy things, while people with credit and debit cards won't be able to buy anything.

Then I went to the supermarket and picked up some additional things. Milk, Butter, etc.

Then I fueled-up my diesel pick-up truck.  It only took 5.5 gallons, but I topped it off anyway.

I take my own advice.

I realize the people in the White House Situation Room could very well be wrong.  They are not in control of this; Iran is.   Iran could change its mind.  Iran might encounter a problem causing delay.  None of us know these things.

That said, at no time prior to today, has anyone in the White House uttered the words "The war will begin tomorrow."  Yet they uttered those words today.

To me, that's a big deal.  When you're briefing the top people of the US Government, you don't get to be wrong too many times before you find yourself out the door.  They didn't say "We think the war will begin."  They didn't say "The war will LIKELY begin. . . "  They said "The war will begin tomorrow."   Not a lot of latitude in that language.

I have done all that I know how to do so as to prepare for unexpected eventualities.   I have reported everything I can to all of you with the earnest hope that you, too, have prepared.

Now, the only thing to do is sit and wait for whatever is coming, to arrive.

I have no control over any of this.  I have done all I can do for myself, my family, and for all of you.  It is all out of my hands.





This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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