European Central Bank Prints Satan on 50 EURO Notes

European Central Bank Prints Satan on 50 EURO Notes

If you've ever thought to yourself that governments in Europe seem "evil" you need only look at their 50 EURO note to see you're right; they've incorporated "The Beast" (Satan) onto their 50 EURO Notes!

The 30 second video below shows the facts:

This is no coincidence; it's deliberate.   It seems the European Central Bank, which issues this currency, is making its loyalties known to everyone.   It appears these people worship the Devil.

Why should Europe tolerate the continued existence of this banking entity or the trash they issue as "currency?"

It's little wonder they're trying to cause a nuclear World War 3 with Russia; it would be a sort of Human Blood Sacrifice to their phony "God."

The Bankers who did this are human garbage.  So are the politicians who approved it.  


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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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