U.S. and Russia Meeting Lasted More Than 12 Hours Today

U.S. and Russia Meeting Lasted More Than 12 Hours Today

A Bi-lateral Meeting between Russia and the US has ended.  The meeting lasted more than 12 hours.

The delegations took at least three breaks during that time.

A joint statement following the meeting will be issued on March 25.

There was discussion about a moratorium on strikes in the Black Sea and the restoration of trade in the region.

Disagreements between Russia and Ukraine will be addressed only after a ceasefire, the State Department said.

Hal Turner Analysis

I am endeavoring to get the inside scoop on the meeting and will update this article if I get info.

The final item above saying "Disagreements between Russia and Ukraine will be addressed only after a ceasefire" is pretty-much all we need to hear.   

That means there will be no ceasefire.

Russia has made clear for years they will not "pause" the fighting for any reason unless and until all their security concerns are addressed.  Russia knows that any pause or ceasefire will only be used by Ukraine (and the West) to re-arm and re-fortify Ukraine, so they can come back and fight with renewed vigor.

Moreover, Ukraine has made it explicitly clear they will never agree to Russia keeping Crimea, Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson, and Zaporozyhe.    Russia has made clear those areas are now Russian and will remain so forever. 

So anyone hoping for a "ceasefire" is peeing in the wind.

It is now clearer than ever that this conflict will ONLY be decided on the battlefield and that means only after Ukraine is literally beaten and smashed into submission -- which is exactly what I believe will take place.





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