UPDATED (3rd TIME) 10:18 PM EDT -- EXTREMELY SENSITIVE - Subscribers Only

UPDATED (3rd TIME) 10:18 PM EDT -- EXTREMELY SENSITIVE - Subscribers Only

This content is for Subscribers Only --

Yesterday, I was made aware that the United States had deployed three (3) B-2 Stealth Bombers to Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.  That puts them within range of both Yemen and Iran.

Even though this was also rumored over social media, I chose not to report it because I don't want to endanger our troops or a mission.

Some relevant facts: As of 2024, the US Air Force has nineteen (19) B-2 stealth bombers in service, after one was destroyed in a 2008 crash and another damaged in a 2022 crash was retired due to the high cost of repair.

Given we have only 19 of these super-high-tech bombers, putting three of them somewhere is a big deal.

TODAY . . . . I have found out that FOUR (4) MORE B2 Stealth Bombers left for Diego Garcia overnight.   Folks, that's a total of SEVEN (7) B2 Stealth bombers . . . . . . . out of only 19 in the world . . . . . all gathered on Diego Garcia.

My gut tells me this is big.  Bigger than big.   Something HUGE is about to take place and I don't think it's bombing the Houthis in Yemen.

My personal view, based upon nothing more than my gut, is that we are going to attack Iran.  Soon.   VERY soon.   Maybe even tonight.

If this takes place, it is already a known fact that Iran will try to close the Strait of Hormuz, which will send oil prices skyrocketing, and gasoline prices at the pump heading toward $10 maybe $12 per gallon.   More for diesel fuel.

The impact on our economy will be staggering.

If you have gas cans, I strongly suggest you fill them up.   TODAY.

If you don't have any gas cans, I suggest you get some.  TODAY.

The United States of America does not position seven of its most expensive, most high-tech bombers, halfway around the world, to "posture."   They put those planes out when they're going to be used.

This is way serious.  


Iran is a military ally of Russia, and a BRICS economic ally of both Russia and China.

Both Russia and China have openly, publicly, stated they will "not stand-by and allow Iran to be attacked."

If the US and/or Israel goes ahead with an attack upon Iran, the reaction by both Russia and China could be to put an end to the United States and our shenanigans.

Top-off your food, water, and medicine preps. TODAY.

More if I get it.


I can now CONFIRM that four additional B-2 Stealth were heard over shortwave radio with confirmed destination of Diego Garcia:

1450z: Call signs "ABBA 11" flt ?x4? USAF B-2/A Spirit's Wkg San Francisco (SFO) HF 11282 khz Cleared to Destination NSF Diego Garcia FJDG from Whiteman AFB KSZL

I can now also confirm that one of the original aircraft, which departed Whiteman AFB in Missouri Sunday-into-Monday, suffered an In-Flight EMERGENCY and had to land at Honolulu, HI

I have received an Image showing that aircraft, Call Sign "PITCH 13", on the ground in Honolulu, with a Fire Rescue Truck deployed to it.   There was no external sign of any fire and the nature of the in-flight emergency is not (yet) known:


Additional B-2 Stealth Bomber(s) seen taking off from Whiteman AFB in Missouri - TONIGHT:


At least 18 US Air Force refueling tankers are being staged in the Pacific with several each at Travis AFB in CA, Daniel K. Inouye IAP in HI, and Andersen AFB in Guam. This suggests some kind of large movement of air assets into the Pacific theater - or the Indian Ocean - will take place this week.



In addition to the B-2 Stealth Bombers and eighteen (18) Refueling tankers reported above, I can now also report the following:

7 C-17A Globemaster IIIs have arrived over the last 3 days, or are currently en-route to the island. 

C-17 flights into Diego Garcia:

3 originated at Whiteman AFB, MO (B-2 Support)

2 originated at Dover AFB, DE (Unk purpose)

1 originated at Fairchild AFB, WA (KC-135 Support)

1 originated at JB McGuire, NJ (Unk purpose)

UPDATE 10:18 PM EDT --

More ancillary information has been obtained which now reveals an explicit time frame for military action.

The military base at Diego Garcia has very limited space and, believe it or not, there have to be "Reservations" for aircraft parking spaces at that base!

The United States has secured aircraft parking spaces for the B2 Stealth "until May 1."

Soooooo . . . .  whatever is going to be done with those Stealth Bombers, must necessarily take place between right now and May 1.    That's 5 weeks.

The base at Diego Garcia is in the Indian Ocean.   The aircraft at that base - especially the Stealth Bombers - are now "in-range" for Yemen and . . . . . . . . . . .  Iran.  Look:

History records that when NATO attacked Yugoslavia in March of the year 1999, the United States sent three (3) B-2 Stealth Bombers during the 78 days of bombing that ultimately crushed that country and broke it apart.

Three Bombers for Yugoslavia.

Why then are SIX now massed at Diego Garcia with more such jets having taken off tonight out of Missouri?  The red dotted line on the map above seems to indicate what's coming.


Here's the rub:  Iran has a military defense Treaty with Russia, and China has publicly declared they "will not allow our fellow BRICS member, and ally, Iran, to be attacked and destroyed."

So if the US (and likely Israel) have any ideas about attacking Iran and destroying it, we could see world war 3 break-out so fast none of us would have time to even think.


Emergency food, water, medicines you need to live on. A generator. Fuel for that generator.  First-Aid Kits. Transistor Radio as well as a CB or HAM radio for local communications and to be able to get news from around the world via shortwave.

Remember, the aircraft parking reservation is good until May 1, but the action would have to take place BEFORE that date.   So there is not much time to prepare - at all.

Take advantage of the time we may have, act deliberately to prepare, and pray.

This is not a joke.  This is more serious than a heart attack.


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

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