UPDATED 10:44 PM EDT -- Israel attacking Iraq? Or was it the USA?

UPDATED 10:44 PM EDT -- Israel attacking Iraq?  Or was it the USA?

Large Explosions are taking place inside IRAQ at this hour (8:00 PM EDT 19 April 2024).  Reports say Israel is attacking camps of the IRAN Revolutionary Guard Corps.

8 Killed, dozens injured...

Channels of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) are already reporting that at least 8 Members of their Popular Mobilization Forces in Iraq have been Killed and Dozens have been Injured.

-- Reports say the "Calso"  (perhaps Kalso) base is completely obliterated.

-- A Senior Iraqi Official has said that tonight’s Explosions at the Kalsu Base of the Popular Mobilization Force in the Babylon Governorate of Eastern Iraq is believed to have been caused by Israeli Airstrike.

-- The main headquarters of Kataib Hezbollah, a key ally of the IRGC in Iraq are based in Jurf Al Sakher, southern Baghdad.

-- The Popular Mobilization Force has released a Statement regarding tonight’s Explosions at the Kalsu Base in the Babylon Governorate of Eastern Iraq:

“An Explosion occurred at the Headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) at the Kalsu Military Base in the Al-Mashrou District on the Highway in the Northern of Babylon Governorate. An Investigation Team immediately arrived at the Scene, and the Explosion caused Material Losses and Casualties. We will provide you with the Details once the Preliminary Investigation is Completed.”


-- American official:  The American military has no activity in the area where an explosion occurred in Babylon, Iraq.

HAL TURNER INTELLIGENCE REBUTTAL: the statement of the American Official above is not entirely true.  There were a minimum 10 US Drones in the area during the attack.

Some were speculating that up to 5 US Drones were ALLEGEDLY responsible.

I suppose plausible deniability is a good approach if you are responsible when the Iraqi don't really have a clue who it was.

UPDATE 10:44 PM EDT --

The Head of the Security Council in the Babylon Governorate of Eastern Iraq is claiming that the Initial Explosions at the Chief of Staff Headquarters and the Kalsu Base of the Popular Mobilization Force (PMF) was the result of the Base being Struck by roughly 5 Drone Strikes.

Hal Turner Remark: Sources told me tonight, before I went on my radio show at 9:00 PM, that the U.S. has ten (10) Drones in that area before the attack.  The U.S. has since repeatedly DENIED having anything to do with the attack, but now, the Head of the Security Council above is saying "five drone strikes."

It may, in fact, have been the U.S. even though it is being DENIED by US CentCom.

Who benefits?   Whenever something big takes place, one always has to ask, "Who Benefits?"

It seems to be the U.S. trying to start wars all over the world.  Russia-Ukraine, China-Taiwan, North Korea-South Korea, and lately, Israel-Iran.

If the US attacked these targets in Iraq, and the target was Iranian, who would automatically get the blame?  Israel.

Is the US trying to foment a war between Israel and Iran?  I think Yes.

What better way to do it than to attack Iranian assets inside Iraq, one day after some type of "attack" inside Iran yesterday, which ****COULD**** be viewed as Israel attacking Iran?

I think it is the U.S. that is fomenting all this trouble.  The US wants war because the US Government is broke and $34 TRILLION in debt that they cannot pay and very shortly, will not be able to service even the Interest upon!

They need a big war so that when they go financially "belly-up" they can BLAME the financial collapse on the war, instead of having the blame placed where it belongs: On THEM for over-spending for decades.

I think their goal is a direct war between the US and Russia.   

I think they've been trying for over two years to goad Russia into attacking NATO over its support of Ukraine, but Russia didn't take the bait.

So now they're using the Israel-Iran situation to possibly foment war between Israel and Iran, which would immediately become US/Israel v. Iran/Russia and again, they get to have their big war with Russia.

The kind of war where --- some --- nukes get used by both sides.   

Then, once several big cities on the US are vaporized, they get to slither out from their bunkers, like the snakes they are, tell the Creditors "Our cities are smashed, our people are dead, our economy is in tatters . . . . . we need Debt Forgiveness."

The Debt will HAVE TO BE forgiven, because there isn't a chance in hell of it being repaid, and the same people who caused this whole mess get to start the shit show all over again  .. . . and still be in charge!

The only thing their little plan needs is for a few million of us . . . . you know, us little people . . . . . to be KILLED in nuclear blasts, to make it all happen.

And I think they are fomenting a direct war with Russia to achieve that goal. 

They tried with the Ukraine-Russia thing.  It didn't work.   Now they're trying the Israel-Iran thing to get the outcome they want: War with Russia.  Nukes to fly.  Millions killed.  So they can get debt forgiveness and remain in power.

It's that simple.



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