Migrant Riots in France, Spreading: Switzerland & Germany now!

Migrant Riots in France, Spreading: Switzerland & Germany now!

The ferocious migrant riots taking place for more than five days inside France, have begun to spread.  In Zurich, Switzerland, a passenger train locomotive was set on fire (Video below) and in GieBen, Germany, Rioters hit the Eritrea Festival (video below). 

We begin in Zurich, Switzerland as a train was set ablaze:

We now go to Germany where "African Migrants" stormed the Eritrea Festival, beating up random Germans as they encountered them.

Those of us on the right hate to say "I told you so" but here we are -- again -- with another "conspiracy theory" that proves correct.

For years, we on the right warned that the left wing and corporate globalists were intentionally bringing in third-worlders to our advanced societies to use as sort of "shock troops" against us.

That is exactly, precisely, what is taking place.

You see, the left-wing doesn't want an educated, comfortable, engaged society because such societies actually pay attention to what our lowly, sniveling, public servants in government, actually do.

What the left wants are useful idiots who they can use to rabble rouse.  This disrupts the peace, dignity, and cohesiveness of society.

When society is in a condition of continual disruption and violence, it cannot then pay attention to what government is doing because the society has to do its best to keep themselves alive through all the chaos.

We warned over, and over again, that the migrants entering Europe from sub-saharan Africa and other inferior nations, would be a ticking social time bomb.  We warned they cannot assimilate, and worse, they WILL NOT assimilate.  These folks come from their backwards lands, with little to no education, and cling to their backwards ways.

Instead of learning about and embracing their new country, they re-establish the backwards ways and social systems they knew back home. They turn sections of their new country, into replicas of their old; complete with ignorance, ethnic strife, criminal gangs, laziness, and filth.

That won't work in our advanced cultures, so the migrants find themselves outcast.  Often (but not always) unemployable, they get on the public dole, and sit and seethe.

As they sit around doing nothing, on the public dole, they SEE, with their own eyes, all the nicer things that OTHER people have.  They SEE the $1,000 Apple iPhones, the expensive sneakers, fine leather shoes, comfortable work boots, nice clothing.  They SEE the upkeep of the homes in the area, the big screen TV's the fine stereos.  They see the new cars, trucks, especially the finer ones, and they KNOW they don't have __any__ of those things, and start to realize they NEVER WILL.

They know they don't want to get up for work everyday.  A lot of them, (not all) don't even want to bother taking a shower.  Brushing teeth?  Ha!   

So they sit around and realize they are unemployable, and without work - which they cannot or will not do -- they have no chance at all of getting any of those finer things.  Their jealousy and envy drives them to more and more anger. They start to hate.  

Sooner or later, the seething hits boiling because their backwards customs, lack of self-discipline or work ethic, lousy personal hygiene and the like, keeps them OUT of civilized society.  They realize they cannot get ahead. 

Worst of all, they don't even care that they have no desire at all to get up every day, shower, get dressed, and be at work on-time, which could get them nicer things. They don't even care about personal hygiene.

So they sit and seethe until they explode in violence, and wreck the nation that allowed them in.  They attack and beat any random people they run into because in their little minds, ALL of them have what the migrants want.

In France, that social time bomb has STARTED to go off.   Now Switzerland and Germany are seeing the initial phase of the social explosion which they allowed into their advanced nations.

We told ya so.



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