UPDATED 10:41 AM EDT -- No Admission by Israel of Involvement in Last Night's "attack" on Iran

UPDATED 10:41 AM EDT -- No Admission by Israel of Involvement in Last Night's "attack" on Iran

The Israel-Iran situation gets weirder by the minute.  There were some explosions in Iran last night, but they were very small and didn't damage anything. It now appears they simply "sent a message."

That there were some small explosions in Iran last night is not in question; there were.  But Iran is saying it was their Air Defense system shooting down small Quadcopter drones, and that nothing in Iran was damaged.

While US Officials and even the Pentagon last night said publicly it __was__ Israel attacking, Israel itself has not admitted anything.

As of 9:25 AM eastern US time today (19 April 20204) it now __appears__ this was simply a message to Iran, that Israel __can__ get to their nuclear program facilities . . .  if it wants to.

The Iranians are a highly educated, prudent, and reasonable people, who are not likely to go to war over something as small as what took place.

The whole thing is weird.

Stock markets have recovered much of what they lost in overnight "futures" trading. Gold, Silver and Oil prices have slid slightly from the spike seen last night.

Still monitoring the situation, but for now, all is quiet.


UPDATE 10:41 AM EDT --

Israeli Channel 12 reports: Moderate Arab states are disappointed with Israel's response to Iran and the idea of forming a Sunni-Israeli axis against Tehran has permanently ended. These countries will seek to improve their relations with Iran after their bet on Tel Aviv failed.

Hal Turner Opinion

What unimaginable treachery!   These people are all alike!   

Imagine Arab countries siding with Israel to form a Sunni-Israel axis against (Shia) Iran?  Amazing treachery.

And now these Arab countries want to "improve relations" with Iran?   How does that work?  What will they say to Iran "We thought Israel could beat you, so we sided with them, but now that you've shown Israel what's what, we want to side with you?"

Who could ever trust such people?

Politics has always been dirty, although nowadays . . . it is just outright disgusting.



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