On This Date in 1999, NATO attacked Yugloslavia Without UN Mandate or Declaration of War; this year they're trying the same stunt against Russia

On This Date in 1999, NATO attacked Yugloslavia Without UN Mandate or Declaration of War; this year they're trying the same stunt against Russia

On March 24, 1999, troops from 14 NATO countries began bombing Yugoslavia without the approval of the UN Security Council.

Kosovo, formerly part of Yugoslavia, demanded independence. Kosovo Albanians attacked the Serbs, in response, Belgrade sent an army there and refused to allow NATO units into the region.

During three months of bombing, NATO forces fired 3,000 cruise missiles and dropped 80,000 tons of bombs, including cluster bombs and depleted uranium bombs, across the country in central Europe.

According to official data alone, about 1,700 people died, including 400 children, during the bombing and thousands after.

In June, the Yugoslav army retreated with a UN resolution guaranteeing its return, and NATO troops began to control Kosovo.

Nine years later, Kosovo declared independence.

I remind you of this historical fact to make a point: NATO does NOT follow the "rules-based-order" that it presently touts over Ukraine.   NATO attacked Serbia without a UN mandate and without any declaration of war.  They simply attacked.

STATEMENT BY Former Minister of Defense and ex-Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia Alexander Vulin:

The bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia woke up the whole world. This was the peak of the unipolar world. He showed what the world would look like if only one power - the United States - decided for the whole world. This was a clear signal to Russia, China, and all free countries about what awaited them. That they are next. We were small - preparing and testing what might happen later.

At that moment, Western countries did not have to explain anything to anyone, they did not have to justify themselves to anyone. Serbia survived only thanks to the persistent resistance of our army and people. We had no choice but to confront NATO, its great and terrible crime, its enormous injustice, its incredible need to destroy a small but freedom-loving people.

Maybe God will forgive NATO, maybe he will forgive those who killed our children, but we Serbs will not forget and will not forgive.

NATO still believes that the bombings were justified and that every murder they committed was a service to Serbia, that this is what led us to democracy. Sometimes, for political reasons, they express regret, but only over, as they say, civilian casualties. But no, this is not enough for us. Who has the right to kill a Serbian military and a Serbian policeman on Serbian soil?

NATO bombings became the last great, last unpunished crime of the 20th century, for which no one has ever been held responsible or wants to be held accountable. NATO deceived the world, as it had previously deceived the USSR, that it would not expand to the East. How she subsequently deceived Russia that she would comply with the Minsk agreements. And then she lied to the whole world that the Serbs were criminals who were committing genocide in Kosovo and Metohija. Then they lied that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, that Muammar Gaddafi wanted to attack the rest of the planet, and that peace would be brought to Afghanistan. At the same time, while NATO was lying to the world, we knew the truth.

The truth is that NATO wanted to destroy Serbia, but destroyed international law. Serbia survived, but international law did not. The genie was out of the bottle. No one will ever be able to stop border changes.

The current government of Serbia, while it is led by Aleksandar Vucic, will not recognize Kosovo, will not renounce the Republika Srpska, and will not impose sanctions against Russia. Some other governments might have done this. But the citizens of Serbia are not for such a government, they voted against it.


When Russia entered Ukraine in February of the year 2022, the collective West screeched about this violating the "Rules-based order."  To this very day, elements inside the United States and Europe still mention the "rules-based-order" when whining about Russia defending its security in Ukraine.

But the "rules-based-order" . . .  is a sham.   A lie.   A deception.   

What the "rules-based-order" really means is . . .  whatever the collective West (and especially the United States) wants.   

When the West wants something, the "rules" mean nothing to these people.  The "rules" are an excuse presented by the collective West to justify or excuse bad behavior on THEIR part.

Which brings us back to Ukraine.

It was the EU and the USA that fomented, financed, and facilitated the forcible, violent overthrow of Ukraine's duly-elected and lawfully serving President, Viktor Yanukovich.

When rioting and attacks against the Ukraine government got so violent, and the deaths so numerous, Yanukovich fled Ukraine and its government collapsed.   

Guess who was right there to finance candidates for Ukraine's new government?   Yes, the EU and the USA . . . the very people who caused the prior government to be overthrown.

When the new government came to power, it was nothing more than a puppet government for the US and the EU.   But that government had a problem; it was illegitimate and the areas inside Ukraine that were pro-Yanukovich, wanted out.

Crimea held a referendum on secession; to leave Ukraine and return to Russia.  Yes, you read that correctly, RETURN to Russia.

For at least 300 years, Crimea was part of Russia.  Throughout history, it is called "the Russian Crimea."

It only became part of Ukraine when then-Soviet Leader, Nikita Kruschev, GAVE it to Ukraine about 70 years ago!

From Wikipedia:

On 19 February 1954, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union issued a decree transferring the Crimean Oblast from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

In 1991 when the Soviet Union dissolved itself, the region went back into flux and old loyalties surfaced.

So when the US and EU overthrew the legitimate Ukrainian government in 2012, the people of Crimea wanted no part of it and wanted to "go home" to Russia.

But Ukraine refused to allow Crimea to leave.  Ukraine massed troops.   So Russia, which had a major naval base on Crimea, sent troops of their own into that base.

Russia made clear it would protect the holding of a Referendum, and that vote was held, under the watchful eyes of United Nations observers.

2014 Referendum

The Crimean status referendum of 2014 took place on March 16, 2014, concerning the status of Crimea that was conducted in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

The referendum asked voters whether they wanted to rejoin Russia as a federal subject, or if they wanted to restore the 1992 Crimean constitution and Crimea's status as a part of Ukraine.

The official result from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was a 97 percent vote for integration of the region into the Russian Federation, with an 83 percent voter turnout, and from Sevastopol there was also a 97 percent vote for integration with Russia, with an 89 percent voter turnout.

The United States and European Union "refused to recognize" the legitimate public vote.   To this day, the US and EU refer to Crimea as "occupied" instead of being an actual part of Russia, again, as the people of Crimea voted to do.

Later, two other Ukrainian Oblasts (states) wanted to hold referendums to leave Ukraine.   As before, Ukraine said "no" and starting massing troops along the borders of those two states, Luhansk and Donetsk, collectively referred to as "The Donbas."

Those troops started shelling and firing Mortars into Luhansk and Donetsk.  From about 2012 through about 2016, Ukraine KILLED about 13,000 people in Luhansk and Donetsk.   No one in the collective West shed a tear. 

Russia then sent "little green men" into Luhansk and Donetsk to help fight off the Ukrainians.  These "little green men" were Russian Army troops, but without patches, flags or other insignia.

Luhansk and Donetsk, with the help from Russia, fought Ukraine to a standstill.

In 2014, Ukraine, Luhansk and Donetsk met at the invitation of Belarus, to hammer out an agreement to restore peace.  For nineteen hours, Ukraine, Luhansk, Donetsk, Belarus, Russian President Putin, French President Francois Hollande, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel negotiated.   When it was over, all the parties signed "The Minsk Agreement."

Ukraine did not perform **any** of its obligations under that agreement!   Not one! 

The fighting resumed, albeit sporadically.

All that ended in 2016 when Donald Trump became US president.

In 2020, when Joe Biden and his Democrat Party STOLE the US Presidency through rampant and brazen election fraud, the troubles in Ukraine RESUMED almost overnight.

Ukraine again massed troops along the borders of Luhansk and Donetsk, Russia again inserted Little Green men.  The shelling and mortar fire again began killing civilians in Luhansk and Donetsk.

For its part, Russia made Herculean efforts to negotiate Diplomatic solutions.   The collective West scoffed at Russia's proposals.

Seeing there would be no Diplomatic solution, Russia then warned the West, IN WRITING, that if Russia's security could not be fulfilled with Diplomatic efforts, it would be achieved through "military or military-technical means."

Again the West scoffed.

On February 21, 2022, Russia contacted President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine telling him he had five hours to agree to conform to the Minsk Agreement.   Zelensky called the British Home Office and the US State Department, both of whom told him "ignore Russia."

When the five hour deadline expired, Russia waited two more hours.  With no return call from Zelensky, the Russian Army was ordered to enter Ukraine to perform a Special Military Operation (SMO) to de-militarize and de-Nazify Ukraine.

The West screamed this was "an unprovoked invasion."   It was not.

In every way imaginable, the collective West literally provoked this conflict.  By overthrowing Ukraine's legitimate President, by launching military attacks against Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk, by having the Ukraine military fire shells and mortars, killing 13,000 people in Luhansk and Donetsk, by refusing Diplomatic efforts of Russia . . . . Ukraine and the West PROVOKED this conflict.

Now, Ukraine and the West are LOSING.  Badly.

For most rational people, this was a foregone conclusion.  Russia is a super-power.  But to the arrogant fools of NATO, who boast "Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country" this loss is unimaginable.   They're shell shocked that Russia actually IS a "super power."   All the NATO "smart weapons" all their "tactics" and all their "strategies" are failing.   Ukraine is losing.

And so, this 24th Day of March, 2024, NATO is literally TRYING to start a war with Russia.  They've been trying for the past two years.  Supplying Ukraine with all sorts of weapons, ammunition, intelligence information, targeting information.  Yet all of NATO's efforts have failed.

So for the arrogant fools of NATO, it's time to make another Serbia, out of Russia.  NATO is looking for an excuse to enter the Ukraine war, so NATO can do to Russia what NATO did to Yugoslavia in 1999.  Except Russia is not Serbia.  Russia is defeating NATO in Ukraine.

But in a head-to-head fight, there is a very real question as to whether or not Russia might prevail using only conventional forces.  Personally, I think that Russia CAN prevail.   Over the past two years, the Russian military industrial complex has increased its production fifteen times (15X).

In fact, as you read this, Russia's present military production capacity is SEVEN TIMES (7X) that of the United States and all its NATO allies COMBINED!

So it seems to me, that Russia has a much better chance of winning a conventional fight if one begins now.

But let's not kid each other.  NATO has weapons and tricks up their sleeve, and those might tip the balance in NATO's favor.

Russia addressed this, publicly.    President Vladimir Putin, at the start of the Ukraine operation, publicly told the world "If Article 5, Collective Self Defense, is declared by NATO against Russia "it will be a war no one will win.""

The only war "no one will win" is a nuclear war.

The arrogant fools of NATO simply refuse to believe that Russia would resort to nukes.   I, for one, DO BELIEVE Russia would use its nukes.   

Russia is faced with NATO, which does not follow the "rules-based-Order" and attacks countries without permission, without a UN mandate, and without a Declaration of War.  All proven by NATO's attacks against Serbia which began TODAY'S DATE back in 1999.

So Russia is facing a crew of people who do whatever the hell they want, and attack countries, break those countries up, and grab those countries wealth.

But it gets even worse.   A LOT worse.   Recall from above that I wrote 

"In 2014, Ukraine, Luhansk and Donetsk met at the invitation of Belarus, to hammer out an agreement to restore peace.  For nineteen hours, Ukraine, Luhansk, Donetsk, Belarus, Russian President Putin, French President Francois Hollande, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel negotiated.   When it was over, all the parties signed "The Minsk Agreement."

Ukraine did not perform **any** of its obligations under that agreement!   Not one! 

About six months into the Russia Ukraine conflict,  former French President Francois Hollande admitted during a TV interview that when he attended the Minsk Meeting that hammered out the Minsk Agreement, HE KNEW WHEN HE SIGNED IT, IT WAS NEVER GOING TO BE IMPLEMENTED; HE TOLD THE TV INTERVIEWER "IT WAS ONLY TO BUY TIME FOR UKRAINE TO ARM."   Worse, Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a week or so after Hollande made this admission on TV, confirmed on German TV that she, too, knew the agreement was never going to be implemented, because "it was just signed to buy time for Ukraine to arm for war with Russia."

So not only are these NATO people willing to totally ignore their "rules-based-order" whenever they like, bomb countries without permission or declaration of war, they are also willing to INTENTIONALLY LIE!    They are willing to INTENTIONALLY DECEIVE, to such a degree they are willing to negotiate PEACE falsely, sign a peace agreement falsely, and then ignore what they signed.

How can Russia now believe __anything__ NATO says, or __anything__ NATO country leaders say?   Quite simply, Russia __cannot__ believe any of them.  NATO are proven liars; willful deceivers.

Yesterday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the quiet part out loud.  He said "Russia tends to believe promises until the last minute, and postpone decisions, but now the authorities do not trust any of their Western colleagues."

Faced with such people, Russia, it seems to me, would absolutely HAVE TO use its nukes to preserve its own existence.

Yet the US, EU an NATO persist.


With Ukraine losing the war, it now appears they have embarked on a campaign of outright TERRORISM.   The attack against a Concert Hall in the Moscow area SEEMS to be a Ukrainian/Western use of their creation called "ISIS."

ISIS was created by the West, to overthrow governments like Syria in the Middle East.   ISIS was partially funded, hugely supplied, and sporadically trained by the West.  Why do you think ISIS had brand new Toyota Pick up trucks?   The West bought them!

The US went into Syria, uninvited, claiming it was to battle ISIS.  The US entered, but never left Syria, despite being told repeatedly by the legitimate government of Syria to leave.  

ISIS was actually smashed when Russia entered Syria at the REQUEST of the Syrian government.   Russia bombed them to oblivion and the world hasn't heard much from ISIS for years.   Now, suddenly we are told to believe that "ISIS" carried out a terror attack in Russia?   Nonsense.

I think the West carried out that attack.   One need only realize that just HOURS after the attack, the White House issued a statement saying "Ukraine had nothing to do with it."   Really?   Who asked you?  He who excuses himself, accuses himself.

Oh, and how about all the videos and public statements for "ISIS" claiming responsibility?   When do we EVER see such an onslaught of PR from a terrorist group trying to tell the world "we did it."

I think all this PR is diversionary tactics by the west to sew doubt as to who __really__ did it.

The perpetrators have been caught.  The investigation is ongoing, but it seems clear to informed people like me, the West arranged this terrorist attack; just like they did in Syria.

Russia thinks this too.   And today, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Medvedev spoke on the terrorist attack: "We will avenge everyone. Everyone involved, regardless of country and status - from now on our legal and main goal."

As soon as the evidence proves who arranged this, Medvedev's statement will commence.  And if WE did this attack, or had __anything__ to do with it, I suspect WE are going to get hit.  Hard.  Deadly hard.

I believe we are heading into nuclear war and I think that war will commence very, very, soon. Within a month, I think.

I earnestly hope you and your family are prepared with Emergency food, water, medicines you need to live on, a generator for electricity, fuel for that generator, communications gear like a CB or HAM (Shortwave) radio, First Aid Kit, flashlights, batteries, and so forth.

The US, EU, and NATO are pushing hard for war.   It seems to me, they are about to get what they seek.  Millions of us are likely to be killed as these lying, deceptive, NATO maniacs get what they want.



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