Outrageous! US "Allies" in Europe to Conceal Top Secret Info from US

Outrageous!   US "Allies" in Europe to Conceal Top Secret Info from US

U.S. Allies in Europe in addition to NATO, are looking for ways to "safeguard" Top-Secret Information from the Trump Administration.

Apparently, what many people view to be mental snowflakes in European Intelligence "fear" that certain Officials in the Trump Administration, specifically Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Tulsi Gabbard, could publicly reveal or leak Classified Information related to European Security.

A Former Senior Official with the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), also known as MI6, stated that when it came to Highly Sensitive Projects, they had to be careful about what they divulged to the U.S. during President Trump’s First Term, further stating, “We were even more cautious the last time with Trump, and I find it hard to believe the service won’t be a little more guarded this time.”

Hal Turner Analysis

What gall!   Clearly, the Europeans have lost all touch with reality.

Lets talk reality for a moment:

As of May, 2024, the United States and it's corporations had 8,530 satellites in orbit.

When it comes to MILITARY or INTELLIGENCE satellites, Russia has 110, China has 157, the US has 247.   Europe has . . . . . . 40.

So as it relates to military and Intelligence information, Europe gets it's intel from the United States.  Europe makes almost zero contribution the other way.

So when the folks over at MI6 start saying things like "they had to be careful about what they divulged to the U.S. during President Trump’s First Term, further stating, “We were even more cautious the last time with Trump, and I find it hard to believe the service won’t be a little more guarded this time.” one has to wonder if they have actually become delusional?

I say, let's test that.   

I suggest the United States shut down all European satellite uplinks to OUR military and intelligence satellite networks and also shut down their download access from US intelligence satellites and military satellites; including MILSTAR high-precision GPS.   Let's see if the Europeans come crying to get their access back or not.

Then we will know who should be protecting what, from whom.

I really am tired of the lie that the US and Europe are "equal partners."  Never have been, never will be.  The Europeans need to be reminded, quite bluntly I think, that the servants do not get to dictate to the Master.

The governments of Europe have become effete snobs who have lost track of their actual place in the world.  Most governments of Europe are now infested with weak-minded, girly-men, who are more interested in LGBTQ than they are of being actual men.  My goodness, most of these Eurotrash governments get "triggered" by pronouns!  They are, I think, no longer a quality people that the United States should take seriously.


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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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