Poland Invokes Compulsory Military Service Starting Tomorrow (Good Friday)

Poland Invokes Compulsory Military Service Starting Tomorrow (Good Friday)

Poland has invoked a law passed in 2022, for Compulsory Military Service.  The program begins tomorrow, (Good Friday) 29 March 2024.


of March 7, 2024.

on how to make compulsory essentials military service

Primary text

Based on Article. 161 of the Act of 11 March 2022 on the defense of the Homeland ( Journal. U. from 2024 item 248 ) is managed as follows:

§ 1. [ Adjustment range ]

The regulation specifies:

1 ) method of compulsory basic military service;

2 ) manner and procedure of conduct of military authorities in the field of admission of persons appointed to compulsory basic military service;

3) the manner and mode of appointment for official positions, change of official positions and dismissal of soldiers on duty, who perform compulsory basic military service, hereinafter referred to as „ soldiers ”, transfer them to other military units, posting them and making business trips by them.

§ 2. [Adoption to the military unit of a person appointed to compulsory basic military service]

1. A person appointed to compulsory basic military service who has appeared to perform this service is admitted to the military unit.

2. The admission to the military unit of a person appointed to compulsory basic military service includes:

1) confirmation of her identity and conducting a conversation with her by the commission for the admission of persons appointed to compulsory basic military service, hereinafter referred to as „ the commission ”;

2) inclusion of personal data in the military unit records;

3) conducting a medical review and sanitary and hygienic procedures;

4) issue of uniforms and expulsions;

5) assignment to a sub-unit;

6) appointment to a service position, entrusting functions and determining the military specialty of a military unit;

7) compliance with the registration obligation.

3. The commander of the military unit provides persons appointed to compulsory basic military service with conditions for unrestricted medical inspection, sanitary and hygienic procedures as well as personal uniforming and eviction.

§ 3. [Obligations of the commander of a military unit for the admission to the military unit of persons appointed to compulsory basic military service]

1. In order to admit to the military unit persons appointed to the compulsory basic military service, the commander of the military unit:

1) appoints a commission composed of:

a) chairman - deputy commander of a military unit or chief of staff of a military unit,

b) members:

- officer or non-commissioned officer of the personnel group,

- officer or non-commissioned officer of the logistics personnel corps,

- doctor or nurse or paramedic,

- educational officer,

- psychologist - consultant of the commander of the military unit for psychological prevention, if he is employed or serving in a military unit;

2) sets out the detailed obligations of persons included in the committee;

3) organizes the reception point for persons appointed to compulsory basic military service.

2. The committee may include, as its members, other persons, depending on the needs and findings of the military unit commander.

3. If there are no persons listed in the organizational structure of the military unit 1 point 1, the commander of the military unit appoints persons performing similar tasks to the commission.

§ 4. [Establishment of a commission and organization of the reception point for persons appointed to compulsory basic military service]

The establishment of a commission and the organization of an admission point for persons appointed to compulsory basic military service, the commander of a military unit states in a daily order.

§ 5. [Confirmation of the appearance of a person appointed to compulsory basic military service to perform this service]

1. The appearance of a person appointed to compulsory basic military service for this service is stated by the commander of the military unit in a daily order in which he states:

1) the day on which a person appointed to compulsory basic military service appeared to perform this service;

2) name and surname, year of birth as well as father's name and PESEL number of the person appointed to compulsory basic military service;

3) address of permanent or temporary residence lasting over 3 months of a person appointed to compulsory basic military service;

4) belonging to a military recruitment center;

5) the allocation of a person appointed to compulsory basic military service to the sub-unit and the appointment to the official position, entrusting its function and determining the military specialty of the military unit.

2. The day of appearance of a person appointed to compulsory basic military service in a military unit stated in the daily order of the commander of that unit is the day of commencing compulsory basic military service.

3. The commander of the military unit shall inform the competent head of the military recruitment center of his appearance at the military unit no later than the day after the appearance of the person appointed to the compulsory basic military service.

§ 6. [Message of compulsory basic military service]

1. The soldier performs compulsory basic military service in the official position for which he was appointed by the commander of the military unit, and performs the function entrusted to him.

2. A soldier - a woman may not perform compulsory basic military service in a official position and perform functions in which it is required to perform the work listed in the provisions issued pursuant to art. 176 of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labor Code (Dz. U. from 2023 item. 1465).

§ 7. [Initial period of compulsory basic military service]

1. In the initial period of compulsory basic military service, the soldier undergoes basic training in the scope and dimension specified in the training program.

2. In the final period of basic training, the soldier takes a military oath.

§ 8. [Training after basic training]

1. After completing the basic training, the soldier is trained in a military specialty corresponding to the official position for which he was appointed and the function entrusted to him.

2. In the initial period of training referred to in paragraph 1, a soldier may be trained in training centers and training centers as well as selected military units.

§ 9. [Order to release a soldier from his position and appoint him to another official position in the unit]

1. The commander of a military unit, according to the soldier's qualifications possessed or obtained during military service, may, in the case of full-time needs of a military unit or at the request of a soldier, when official reasons allow it, issue an order to release a soldier from his position and appoint him to another official position in this unit.

2. The commander referred to in par. 1, issues an order to appoint a soldier to another official position in the military unit immediately after receiving information about:

1) recognizing a soldier unable to perform service in his official position on the basis of a decision of a military medical commission;

2) loss of qualifications required in the position held;

3) liquidation or change of position held.

§ 10. [ Order to direct a soldier to temporarily perform tasks in another military unit ]

The commander of a military unit may issue an order to direct a soldier to perform tasks temporarily in another military unit for a period not exceeding 3 months at a time.

§ 11. [ Directing a soldier on a domestic or foreign business trip to perform business tasks ]

The commander of the military unit states in the daily order that the soldier be directed on a domestic or foreign business trip in order to perform official tasks.

§ 12. [ Transfer of a soldier to another military unit at his request ]

1. The commander to whom the unit in which the soldier is serving is subject and the unit to which the soldier is to be transferred may issue an order to transfer the soldier to another military unit at his request, if official considerations allow it, in particularly justified cases.

2. The commander referred to in par. 1, issues an order to transfer a soldier to another military unit in the case of:

1) justified training reasons;

2) the need to supplement the full-time needs of other military units;

3) deformation of the military unit;

4) reduction of the full-time state of the military unit;

5) the needs of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland;

6) other justified cases.

3. In cases where there is no commander to whom the units referred to in para. 1, the transfer of a soldier to another military unit is based on the order of the head of the organizational unit of the Ministry of National Defense competent in matters of organization and supplementation.

4. Commanders of the types of Armed Forces, Commander of the Garrison Warsaw, Chief Commander of the Military Police, Head of the Armed Forces Support Inspectorate to which training centers or training centers are subject, issue an order to transfer a soldier from a training center or training center after the training to another military unit in which the soldier will undergo further compulsory basic military service, regardless of the subordination of that unit.

§ 13. [Exempting a soldier from compulsory basic military service after it was completed and transferring to the passive reserve]

1. The soldier is released from compulsory basic military service after it has been completed and transferred to the passive reserve on the day of the circumstances constituting the basis for the dismissal are made by the commander of the military unit and states this fact in the daily order of the unit commander military.

2. The commander of the military unit makes an annotation about the release of a soldier from compulsory basic military service in military records and makes an appropriate entry in the soldier's military booklet.

3. The commander of the military unit sends within 7 days from the day the soldier was released an extract from the daily order to release the soldier to the head of the military recruitment center, who appointed the soldier to undergo compulsory basic military service.

§ 14. [ Entry into force ]

The regulation enters into force 14 days after its publication.1 )

Minister of National Defense: from up. P. Bejda

1 ) This Regulation was preceded by the Regulation of the Minister of National Defense of 14 September 2010 on the manner of performing basic military service ( Dz. Of Laws of 2015, item 294 ), which expired on October 24, 2023 in accordance with art. 821 section 1 of the Act of March 11, 2022. on the defense of the homeland ( Dz. U. from 2024 item. 248 ).

  • Date of announcement:2024-03-14
  • Date of entry into force:2024-03-29
  • Date of validity:2024-03-29
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No documents changed.


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