Western Media is **Finally** Revealing the Truth About Ukraine: "It's Time We Talk About the Fall of Kiev"

Western Media is **Finally** Revealing the Truth About Ukraine: "It's Time We Talk About the Fall of Kiev"

OP-ED   The Times newspaper in London has become the first western "mass-media" outlet to begin reporting the truth to the gullible Pro-Ukraine crowd: "It's Time We Talked About the Fall of Kiev."

The reality is finally being admitted by the Western Media, Kiev will fall to Russia.

The Op-Ed piece was published at 9:00 PM in London last night.  The fact that it was even published at all, is the big takeaway;  the West must finally acknowledge what people like me have said from even before this conflict began: "Ukraine cannot win against Russia - they don't even have a chance of winning."

Having said that on this web site and on my radio show, I was viciously criticized as a "Russian Shill"  and a "Putin propagandist."  I let the criticism roll-off my back and kept right on reporting the truth, no matter who didn't like it.

Last night, "The Times" of London admitted what's coming, and, instead of admitting this was a Fool's Errand from gitgo, they hurled blame . . . .

Nowhere in their Op-Ed do they even acknowledge the Ukraine fight was a Fool's Errand; doomed before it even began.  Here's the gist of what "The Times" is now projecting for this coming July :


It's Time We Talk About the Fall of Kiev

Far from this being a frozen conflict, a nightmare scenario is edging into view because the West is failing to send arms

The Times

It is July and the Russian army is at the gates of Kyiv. President Zelensky delivers an emergency broadcast to repeat his defiant words, first uttered in February 2022, that he does not need a ride out of Ukraine. No, he needs ammunition to stay and fight the Russians.

If only the West had listened and done more when the brave Ukrainians were pleading for help, that might have made the difference. While the allies squabbled and the United States eventually provided another $60 billion in aid, as spring turned to summer, Putin’s troops broke through the lines in the south and east. Retreating Ukrainian forces were able only to slow the advance. When the Russians closed in on the capital, a new wave of . . .  Full Op-Ed HERE (Paywall)


For me, the sad part of this is not so much the Western mass-media is so late to the facts; it's that they and Western government officials, never bothered to think this through, at all.  Neither did NATO and neither did the "experts" in the United States Armed Forces.   ****** ALL OF THEM ***** were wrong.

Their errors in assessment of Russia's response to Western effort in Ukraine, were all wrong.

Their errors in Judgment about the capabilities of Ukraine versus Russia, were all wrong, too.

Their assessments of the effectiveness of Western weapons and tactics . . . wrong as well.

To cover their erroneous ineptitude, they flat-out lied to all of us.   Recall how many times they told us:

Sanctions will collapse Russia.  Oops, wrong.

Russia's military are all incompetent drunks.   Oops, wrong.

Russia is running out of missiles.  Wrong.

Russia is running out of ammunition. Wrong.

Russia is running out of tanks.  Wrong.

Putin will be overthrown by the Russian people.  Wrong.

Putin is dying of cancer.  Wrong.

Putin is dying of Parkinson's Disease.  Wrong.

The list is almost endless, and every claim they made about Putin, about Russia . . . . ALL OF IT was wrong.

The fact that these so-called "experts" got so much wrong, so often, proves they are incompetent. 

The fact they still draw paychecks, is a sin.

Every single one of the military and civilian people in the West who pushed for this war, who lied about what was happening, should be fired.  ALL of them.

What we are all seeing here, I think, is The DUNNING-KRUGER Effect.

The Dunning–Kruger effect is defined as the tendency of people with low ability in a specific area to give overly positive assessments of this ability. This is often seen as a cognitive bias, i.e. as a systematic tendency to engage in erroneous forms of thinking and judging.

In the case of the Dunning–Kruger effect, this applies mainly to people with low skill in a specific area trying to evaluate their competence within this area. The systematic error concerns their tendency to greatly overestimate their competence, i.e. to see themselves as more skilled than they are.

In the case of the Russia-Ukraine situation and conflict, the judgment of our so-called "experts" was devoid of logic.  Their assessments were delusional.  Their job performance has been a total failure. 

The total failure of their work caused upwards of one million troops to be killed counting both sides.  

What price will our so-called "experts" pay for doing something that got a million people killed?


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1906 Paterson Plank Road

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