Russia Announces: "Ready for Tough Bargaining" with Trump over Ukraine and "Other Issues"

Russia Announces: "Ready for Tough Bargaining" with Trump over Ukraine and "Other Issues"

The Russian Foreign Ministry stated Thursday that they are ready for "tough bargaining" with U.S. President Donald Trump over ending the war in Ukraine.

This was announced by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov.

According to him, Russia is prepared for negotiations with the Trump administration but only in a "tough bargaining mode" and based on "principles of mutual respect and equality."

Ryabkov added that negotiations should take into account "realities on the ground" and Russia’s "national interests, as defined by history and geography."

Hal Turner Personal Opinions

The part about "Russia's national interests" opens the door to all the economic sanctions placed upon Russia by the Fraudsters in the United States Congress, who enacted REAL sanctions against Russia, based on FRAUDULENT accusations of "Russia Collusion" in the 2016 election.

Readers may recall that after President Trump's election win against Hillary Clinton in 2016, a swarm of accusations flowed claiming Trump won the election by somehow "colluding with Russia."

Massive investigations ensued, culminating with a report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller indicating not only that there was NO "Russia Collusion" but that instead, the entire claim was a deliberate fabrication of the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign.

The "Russia Collusion" accusation was utterly false and the people who started these claims KNEW they were perpetrating fraud, but did so anyway in what many people perceive as a Seditious Conspiracy to undermine President Trump.

So the "Russia Collusion" accusations were false, but the sanctions over those false claims were real.

Russia was economically sanctioned, and seriously economically harmed, over falsehoods uttered by people here in America, a majority of whom are, factually, either two-legged bags of human political garbage, or useful idiots who repeated the falsehoods because they were too stupid or too lazy to verify anything themselves.


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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