Early Sunday morning this web site published a story indicating a "major escalation" was coming by Russia in Ukraine, with trainloads of armor and troops arriving, bringing almost three times more Russian firepower to Ukraine.   Today, the world learned why:  Russia is going to oust the Zelensky regime.   

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, speaking to envoys at an Arab League summit in Cairo late Sunday, said Moscow is now targeting the "absolutely unacceptable regime" of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

“We will definitely help the Ukrainian people to free themselves from the regime that is absolutely anti-people and anti-history,” Lavrov said.

Zelenskyy was unbowed, pleading to win "this war for independence" and to keep Ukraine on a course toward full membership in the EU and becoming one of the most modern states in the world.

Hal Turner Editorial Opinion

In one fell swoop, Russia completely undermined speculated western plans to get rid of Zelensky and blame it on the Russians.  Our earlier story (HERE) reported comments by US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan at the Aspen Conference last week.  Sullivan remarked that the US "Is concerned about the safety and the life of President Zelensky."

This was viewed by many in attendance at the Aspen Conference, as being a "projection" of what the US has now decided to do -- then blame it on the Russians.

Now that Russia has publicly declared they plan to remove Zelensky, they've pulled the rug out from beneath the west.   The west can no longer howl that "Russia did it" if Russia now publicly says they're going to do it.

Now, the tables are turned.  

Since Russia says they are going to oust Zelensky, the west is now forced into the untenable position of having to protect Zelensky.  IF all the intelligence apparatus and the military ight of the west cannot protect Zelensky, then who can it protect?

This announcement by Russia completely up-ended any western plans to kill Zelensky (because he knows all the dirt) and thereby make a pariah state out of Russia.

And if the Russians actually do manage to oust Zelensky in spite of the west . . . NATO will likely fall apart because all the smaller countries in NATO will know that NATO "protection" isn't worth the paper it's written on!

What a Diplomatic / Geo-Political coup!  

Regime Change; it's not just an American thing anymore!

WAIT!  WAIT! It gets better . . . 

Think for just a second about the position Zelensky is in.   The two most powerful nations on earth now want him dead.   

The Russians say it bluntly; the Americans were plotting and scheming secretly.

So seeing as Zelensky doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of surviving . . . what is the best (and only) thing HE can do?

He can go to the Russians, offer to give them all the proof of all the shenanigans, all the payoffs, all the Biolabs, in return for . . . . oh this is priceless . . . Asylum in Russia!

He'd screw everybody with that!  

Wow has this situation with Russia-Ukraine taken some wild turns.  This is better than a soap opera.


UPDATE 12:35 PM  EDT --

Below is the full, official transcript of Foreign Minister Lavrov's speech to the Arab League, from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs web site:

(Click image twice to enlarge)


From the south of Ukraine, I am now receiving Intelligence reports saying a "massive transport" of Russian troops towards Kherson. is taking place.

The Armor and troops are being seen in Melitopol and Novooleksiivka...


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Harold C. Turner

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