The North Atlantic Fellas Organization, purportedly a grass-roots of Ukraine Supporters, is going silent after its FUNDING from USAID got cut off! Turns out, it wasn't "Grass-roots" at all; it was Government Paid Propaganda.
Thousands of people online rallied to Ukraine's cause when war broke out between Russia and Ukraine. The grass-roots groundswell was so fast, and so large, they even adopted a name for themselves: The North Atlantic Fellas Organization (NAFO).
Today, we find that "NAFO" was actually a US Government Funded Propaganda Operation, with millions in funding coming through . . . . . the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and being paid through the Ukraine Ministry for Digital Economy.
Here. Look:
The whole thing was FAKE! A government propaganda operation. Designed to portray Ukraine as the poor victim, and the Nazis of the Ukraine regime somehow the "Good Guys." It was all government-paid-lies.
One wonders how many of the Ukraine Flags showing up in social media profiles, were users who were "on-the-take" for government propaganda payments?
Now that this little tidbit of information is out, you've really got to ask yourself, "is so-and-so, with their Ukraine Flag in the social media profile, actually a knowing government propagandists who's been getting paid to LIE TO ME for the past three years?"
Let's sit back and watch how many of those Ukraine flags DISAPPEAR from social media profiles.
And for those social media profiles that KEEP the Ukraine Flag, you've got to wonder "Is he such a useful idiot that he bought-into the propaganda because he's not smart enough to see he was being fooled?"
What a world we live in . . . .