US Air Force "Rivet Joint" Now Operating Openly Over Mexico

US Air Force "Rivet Joint" Now Operating Openly Over Mexico

A United States Air Force "Rivet Joint" Surveillance aircraft, is now operating OPENLY over Mexico.

For years, U.S. surveillance flights in Mexico have been quiet, hidden, and off the books. Not this time.

Here is the Radar catch from FlightRadar24:


One Intel source described it to me this way: "If I were to bet, Chapitos are fucked."

He is referring to the Drug Cartel operated by the sons of former Drug Kingpin ""El Chapo" who is now in a U.S. Prison.  

This is the first time such capabilities are operating openly, key word OPENLY, over Mexican sovereign territory clearing indicating an agreement was made by both countries.

Historically, we tend to see shadow companies operate such flights, or it is done without public awareness, this is a significant deployment of an impressive system.

RC-135V/W Rivet Joint


The RC-135V/W Rivet Joint reconnaissance aircraft supports theater and national level consumers with near real time on-scene intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination capabilities.

The aircraft is an extensively modified C-135. The Rivet Joint's modifications are primarily related to its on-board sensor suite, which allows the mission crew to detect, identify and geolocate signals throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. The mission crew can then forward gathered information in a variety of formats to a wide range of consumers via Rivet Joint's extensive communications suite.

The interior seats more than 30 people, including the cockpit crew, electronic warfare officers, intelligence operators and in-flight maintenance technicians.

The Rivet Joint fleet was re-engined with CFM-56 engines with an upgraded flight deck instrumentation and navigational systems to FAA/ICAO standards. These standards include conversion from analog readouts to a digital "glass cockpit" configuration.

All Rivet Joint airframe and mission systems modifications are overseen by L-3 Communications (previously Raytheon), under the oversight of Air Force Materiel Command.

All RC-135s are assigned to Air Combat Command. The RC-135 is permanently based at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., and operated by the 55th Wing, using various forward deployment locations worldwide. More recently, RC-135s have also supported Operation Allied Force in Kosovo, and Operation Odyssey Dawn/Unified Protector in Libya

General Characteristics
Primary Function: 

Contractor: L-3 Communications
Power Plant: Four CFM International F108-CF-201 high bypass turbofan engines
Thrust: 21,600 pounds each engine
Wingspan: 131 feet (39.9 meters)
Length: 135 feet (41.1 meters)
Height: 42 feet (12.8 meters)
Weight: 173,000 pounds (78,743 kilograms)
Maximum Takeoff Weight: 297,000 pounds (133,633 kilograms)
Fuel Capacity: 130,000 pounds (58,967 kilograms)
Speed: 500+ miles per hour (Mach.66)
Range: 3,900 miles (6,500 kilometers)
Ceiling: 50,000 feet (15,240 meters)
Crew: (flight crew) five (augmented) - three pilots, two navigators; (mission flight crew) 21-27, depending on mission requirements, minimum consisting of three electronic warfare officers, 14 intelligence operators and four inflight/airborne maintenance technicians
Unit Cost: unavailable
Initial operating capability: January 1964
Inventory: Active force, 17; Reserve, 0; Guard, 0

The reality that the United States Air Force is now openly sending THIS type of military surveillance aircraft down the side of Mexico to cover the Mexican state of Sinaloa, where the "Chapitos" operate" is quite a sign of who the US Military might go after early-on, now that Drug Cartels have been declared "Foreign Terrorist Organizations."

The map below shows the location of the Mexican state of Sinaloa.  Right where the Surveillance plane is operating:

Clearly, President Trump wasn't just talking when he declared the Drug Cartels to be "Foreign Terrorist Organizations."  The deployment of THIS plane proves the US military is now gathering Intel; and common sense will tell you WHY.   Sounds like: BOOM.


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