Terrorists Wore Body Cams! Video of them Murdering inside Russian Concert Hall

Terrorists Wore Body Cams!  Video of them Murdering inside Russian Concert Hall

The terrorists who attacked a concert hall inside Russia, apparently wore Body Cams or "Go-Pro-Type" cameras and took video of themselves as they massacred innocent people.   I have received one such video.

In the video, one can see an UNARMED co-conspirator, wearing what appears to be rifle magazine clip-carriers (no gun seen on him) waving a shooter INTO a hallway where innocent people were hiding. Image above.

The shooter enters the doorway to that hall and begins firing.   

At least six people go down under his automatic weapons fire.  Blood spray and splatter, everywhere.

As the person wearing the camera turns, another terrorist attacker is shown kneeling at the throat of another victim, who had already been shot, but was laying, wounded and dying, on the ground.   The perpetrator is seen repeatedly slicing the victims throat --- at least TEN SLASHES, with blood spewing from the gaping wounds.

Then that perp and others calmly walk away:

This is some of the most evil, vicious, horrifying, crime video I have ever seen.   It makes me sick to my stomach.  The Barbarity.  The inhuman behavior.   It is mortifying to me.

I find myself in an ethical and moral quandary over this video.  It certainly is "news."  Of that, there is no doubt.

Yet the video is so utterly horrifying, so outside any behavior even remotely "human," and so hideously violent, that I find myself recoiling at the notion of putting the video out.

I then asked myself if perhaps I should put still images from the video, like the one atop this story, and that begot yet another quandary.  Would publishing such still images, cause emotional distress to the families of the victims?

I have decided still images ought not be published except for the non-gruesome images above, either.

Maybe I'm getting soft in my old age.  Maybe, though, I'm just pushed too far on this one, and realizing there is nothing good that can come of publishing it.

I want you to know I have the video.   I've watched it.   It is frighteningly gruesome, and shows what can only be described as pure evil.



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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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