With the US Presidential Election pending in November, 2024, the-powers-that-be are cranking-up another COVID scam. This week, they re-imposed 'Mandatory Contact-Tracing" for airline passengers entering the U.S.. The goal is to fabricate another "pandemic" so they can resort to mail-in Ballots and steal the 2024 election the way they stole 2020.
An airline passenger in Mexico reported he encountered "Mandatory Contact-Tracing" when he arrived at the airport in Puerto Vallarta (PVR), Mexico, and found he could not even begin the flight "Check-in process until he complied with the contact tracing.
The passenger reported the following:
Tapping "OK" on the screen above then got this:
Which then continued to this:
Which then brought the passenger to the "Privacy Act" Notice:
Which continued to this:
While our southern border is wide open with 500,000 illegal unvaccinated undocumented soldiers are pouring across our border . . .
Oh, we must track if someone had the sniffles.
The whole thing is nothing but a scam. In its entirety!
The survival rate for this alleged "COVID" is 99.7%. So if every single person on the entire planet all caught "COVID" 99.7% or more, would SURVIVE. It's no worse than a nasty Flu season.
Yet the government is ramping-up this nonsense again, just over a year out from the November 2024 presidential election, as if none of us notice the scam.
Think about it: This COVID virus must be one really smart virus; it knows to only come out about a year before a Presidential Election!
Then, as they ramp-up the total propaganda, we'll see news story after news story of crowded hospitals . . . . but those hospitals will have no lines of people trying to get in . . . the same way it was last time.
In fact, last time, there were so FEW patients, the Nurses in these hospitals put together dance routines on YouTube because they had nothing to do in the hospitals.
The scam is back. Don't pay any attention to these Medical Quacks at CDC. DO NOT COMPLY with their absurd, useless, and idiotic demands. This is another scam-demic.