U.S. Confirms M1A1 Abrams Tanks Arrive in Ukraine


The United States is confirming that the first (official) group of M1A1 Abrams tanks have arrived in Ukraine to be used against Russia.  The escalation of fighting between Russia and Ukraine continues.

At some point, and we are now very close to it, Russia is going to declare the US a "combatant" in the fighting, and when that takes place, it will be public notice that we -- here in the USA -- are now subject to Russian military strikes.

Americans will be caught completely blind-sided if and when this takes place; they won't understand how or why we got attacked by Russia - because our Mass-Media has not done its job to inform the public just how far our government public servants have escalated the fighting.

While the image above is merely a File Photo for demonstrative purposes, the arrival of these tanks in Ukraine would appear similar.




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