UPDATED 11:38 PM EST -- We Have a Problem: 16 Russian TU-95 Bombers Took Off for Ukraine, but 6 Tu-22's took off from far east and are headed over north pole

UPDATED 11:38 PM EST -- We Have a Problem: 16 Russian TU-95 Bombers Took Off for Ukraine, but 6 Tu-22's took off from far east and are headed over north pole

Sixteen Russian Tu-95M Bombers have taken off and are headed to their usual launch points to fire missile salvos at Ukraine.  Each aircraft can launch between 6 and fourteen missiles, depending upon payload.  There are also, of course, Russian naval vessels in the Black Sea,

also moving to strike zones.  So clearly, Ukraine is going to be hit, and hit big, again tonight, over their recent attack against Belgorod, Russia.

But there's a problem.   In addition to the sixteen . . . . and now receiving reports it may be 17, TU-95's, there are also Tu-22M3 Strategic bombers that have taken off from Russia's far east -- totally unrelated to Ukraine -- and are heading up over the north pole.

Those TU-22M3 aircraft (FILE PHOTO ABOVE) can carry hypersonic missiles, and those missiles __can__ have nuclear warheads.  No indication whether they do or not, but they __can__.

So why the Strategic bombers heading up to the north pole?


UPDATE 11:11 PM EST --

Now TU-160 Strategic Bombers taking off, (FILE PHOTO below) heading north toward North Pole.  Let's hope this is just some Cold War style drill.

UPDATE 11:38 PM EST --

Tu-95's are presently launching what appear to be X-101 Cruise Missiles over the Caspian Sea, which is their typical launch point for strikes against Ukraine.  It will take those missiles upwards of an hour to begin reaching targets inside Ukraine.

No word yet about the TU-22M3's or the TU-160's all headed north.



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