VIDEO: Uniformed U.S. Military Member SELF-IMMOLATES in front of Israeli Embassy

VIDEO: Uniformed U.S. Military Member SELF-IMMOLATES in front of Israeli Embassy

The U.S. Air Force confirms an active duty American airman was involved in a self immolation act in front of the Israeli Embassy today - a protest against what he rightfully described as a genocide in Gaza.  He set himself on fire.

“I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest,” he says calmly, walking down a street.

"But compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”

As the man ignites, he yells "Free Palestine."   A nearby police officer begins yelling "Get on the ground" as the man is seen fully ignited; and for some reason - perhaps mental retardation, the officer continues to yell "get on the ground."

Within seconds, a man appearing to be an officer comes into camera view aiming a gun at the burning man, as if that makes any sense on any level at all.

Several people can be heard yelling "Get a fire extinguisher" with one apparent officer saying I don't need guns, I need a fire extinguisher . . .  as the cop with the gun CONTINUES TO AIM IT at the man who is now laying on the ground, completely engulfed in flames.

(Hal Turner Remark: Real helpful, that cop pointing the gun . . . . maybe he needs to go find other work that doesn't require thinking.)

The Airman who ignited himself is identified as Aaron Bushnell, 25.

On the scene, the fire on his body was extinguished by what appeared to be police officers using several fire extinguishers before the DC Metro Fire Department arrived.  Either Police Officers or Paramedics were seen administering CPR as seen in the image below:

They seem to have successfully resuscitated him, at least long enough to get to a local hospital.

I am told he is in critical condition with "life-threatening injuries."


The video below was taken by the man who set himself on fire.   It has been released by his family, but at the exact moment he burst into flames, his image is blurred.

There is no doubt he is what was burning.   As he yelled "Free Palestine" his voice changed strangely, perhaps from inhaling flames or gasoline fumes, perhaps from the horrific pain he had to be feeling.

The video below is graphic even though it is blurred at the point of ignition.   Viewer discretion is advised.

The airman clearly says on video, "I will no longer be party to Genocide." 


Hal Turner Editorial Opinion

Those of you supporting Israel as it commits this genocide, may wish to rethink your position.  After all, when was the last time you even heard of a US military member setting himself on fire to stop participating in GENOCIDE?

That is what Israel is committing in the Gaza Strip.

US Military Officers . . . . YOU are backing the wrong side in this situation.  YOU are enabling genocide.  STOP IT.

If, by some merciful act of God, this kid survives, he should be promoted to FIVE star General.  In one simple act, he showed he has more balls than all the Four Star Generals in the entire US Military.   Apparently, NOT ONE of those Four-Stars has balls-enough to tell their Commander-in-Chief his Orders to protect Israel are, in fact,  protecting Genocide, and are thus illegal, never mind doing something about it the way this kid did.

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