Still Poking the Bear: F-16's from Netherlands Arrive in Romania - for Ukraine pilots!

Still Poking the Bear:  F-16's from Netherlands Arrive in Romania - for Ukraine pilots!

Three Royal Netherlands Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcons landed at the Romanian 86th Air Base Lieutenant-Aviator Gheorghe Mociornita in Borce (Calarasi County).

The jets will be used to train, and then used by, Ukrainian pilots.

There are no air fields remaining inside Ukraine which can accommodate the F-16's.  The runways are too bumpy from Russian attacks.  There is almost no fuel supply, and no weapons storage remaining at most bases.

So if these F-16's are going to be used in combat by Ukraine, it __appears__ they will have to take-off from, then return to, bases in Romania, in order to be refueled, re-armed and maintained.

If that takes place . . . . if Ukrainian pilots takeoff from a foreign base, and attack Russian forces in Ukraine, then return to that foreign base for refueling, re-arming and maintenance, then Russia has made clear THAT FOREIGN BASE will become a legitimate military target.

Each and every day, the collective west moves closer and closer to direct confrontation with Russia.

They are doing this despite Russia having increased its military industrial production by fifteen times (15x) and by doing so, now out-produced the total, combined production of the West by seven times.

Moreover, not only is Russia's production 7 times that of the west, the stockpiles of weapons and ammunition in the West have been either seriously depleted or wiped-out altogether, by supplying Ukraine.  So the West has almost nothing to fall back on as far as reserve ammunition.

Yet the West continues to escalate the Russia-Ukraine conflict - in complete denial they are heading down the road to direct war and thereby, their own annihilation.

Readers in Europe and in the United States are reminded that if direct warfare breaks out between Russia and NATO, countries in Europe, and sites within the continental United States can - and likely will - come under Russian missile attack.

Are you ready to see parts of your country blowing up?  Because that may be where this is heading.

I urge readers in the US and in Europe to have emergency food, water, medicines, first-aid kit, flashlights for each member of your family or each room of your house, with spare batteries for those flashlights.   Have communications gear like Citizen's Band (CD) or a HAM radio for local communications.  If we get hit, it is almost guaranteed that communications systems, phone landlines, cellular, fax, the Internet and email will all go offline.  You really should have a way to communicate with neighbors and to hear global news via shortwave.  So get a portable AM/FM/Shortwave radio with spare batteries so you can get information.

Have a generator with spare fuel to keep your refrigerator running, and maybe power a light or two in the house.  DO NOT OPERATE A GENERATOR INDOORS; their gas-powered engines give off carbon monoxide gas which will KILL YOU if it is inside your house.   Generators must only be run outside.

Have extra fuel for the generator, because when the SHTF, those who did not prepare by getting supplies in advance, will find themselves standing on mile-long gas lines trying to get fuel.  Then the gas stations will start running out, and you'll be left with nothing.

GET CASH MONEY.  Have some cash money stashed in the house.  If the SHTF, communications lines will likely go down and there won't be any way to authorize your credit or debit cards to buy anything.  Cash will be king.  If you don't have any when the SHTF, you won't have any hope of buying what you need to survive.

DON'T WAIT.  Get supplies now.  If you wait, you'll be "shit outta luck (SOL)."

There is still some small window of time for you to begin accumulating these emergency prep supplies.   If you wait, until the bombs actually start hitting, you'll find yourself out of time and out of luck because every schmuck in the country who ALSO waited, will all be headed out to the stores for supplies.  They will strip store shelves bare.  Gas stations will run empty and you will find yourself with nothing.  No food. No water. No medicine. No electricity, No communications, and no money.


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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